Tuesday, August 14, 2007

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E- local business: What potential?

E-commerce continues to grow. Every month new services are created, new areas are explored, new jobs are created and new trends are emerging. For several months, e-commerce is very interested in local search. The idea is simple: combine the strengths of the Web channel to the pragmatism of the offline. Complementarity is observed more often. Ohmybuzz (one of whose creators Elzière Thibaud, had agreed to meet my questions a few weeks ago), launched in January 2007, aims for example to be the reference site to carry on the same site business online or offline. For online merchants, the interest is to use a highlighting innovative and low cost. For merchants offline Ohmybuzz offers new prospects for development without investing heavy sums in developing an online presence. Visibility on the web that goes completely against conventional services online before formatting such as comparison shopping or sponsored links for which presence is dependent on budget allocated to the Web channel.

is a trend, more and more sites now offer the confrontation of players online and offline, as individual professionals. The offer is so comprehensive and responsive to the request if there is a geographic criterion. In the U.S., Krillion (quoted in a ZDnet article on e-shop) intends to revolutionize the local e-commerce by allowing an easy way (double application: object + code Search zip) to find the best prices near your home. French side, initiatives abound. Lokalize builds on the tremendous potential for geo Ebay sellers of auction website (the founder Pascal Levy-Garboua was also brilliantly explained in his blog Lokalize potential and the e-commerce in general local ) Chronodrive a great success in areas where the site is deployed ... To name a few and pending Krillion French?

E-commerce proximity seems to have real potential. This is a growth possible for e-commerce classic. One way to convince the remaining skeptics of the benefits of the Internet in a procurement process, an ideal combination to enjoy the advantages of online and offline. Another trend in action, the adoption of new areas of Web channel as real tool for promoting and selling offline (catering, real estate ...). Feel free to read the blog Regis Dabo whose editorial line revolves around this theme.