Saturday, May 31, 2008

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Advergames: a mature market?

The advergames (also called Adgames) bring together all the online games with the aim of promoting a product, service or more generally of a brand. The advergame belongs to the family of CRM marketing tools because it allows also to obtain information (more or less detailed) of its prospects, or even clients.

Sebastian Coulaud, ESCP-EAP, we present the results of his research on the development of advergames. After a market analysis, Sebastien wanted to study the differences in perception Men / Women of advergames. His study is available .

Not surprisingly, differences in perception of general advertising and advergames in particular are great. While men seem to appreciate the advantage of advergames, they are less sensitive to the presence of the brand and see it as a hindrance to their amusement. It is also possible to assert that men and women have different preferences for advergames. Women favoring puzzle games action games / competition. A study full of lessons, both in terms of placing a mark or target advertising. Thank you Sebastian!