Sunday, February 22, 2009

Acl Injury More Condition_symptoms

Libfly, Waagt and the proliferation of social networks

Il est un domaine qui ne cesse de croître dans les discours des webmarketeurs: les réseaux sociaux. Symbolized by the inevitable Facebook (the blogger who quotes facebook, I fall into the cliché), this sector is undeniably one of the fastest growing Web now, at the crossroads of several exciting issues:
- social networks represent a huge communication potential. The Internet Marketers, by definition, seeks and will seek to transform this potential into real communication channel (process creation, standards ...) is what is called SMO (Social Media Optimization).
- Social integration in e-commerce. The heavyweights of the following e-commerce gradually approach social. The comparators have been logical precursors of heart by their business. The social concept moves gradually in a logical consumer.
- looking for a viable business model long term.
- Dimension locale.
- the proliferation of so-called 'niche'
- etc ...

Lionel It gave me the urge to write this note. It handles the communication web of a young start-ups, Libfly , a social network based on literature. A community portal that combines standard functionalities (sharing of "My Library", Recommendations, groups ...) by adding some interesting peculiarities: lending of books among members, points system to reward active members ... These same points that allow term member of Libfly receive vouchers.

I enjoyed the preparation of this note to discuss with Kevin , friend and former colleague, developments in the field of social networks. He is currently working with Vincent social networks on the topic of video games: Waagt . Other So social networking theme. According to Kevin, " Facebook is often considered too" broad "in its offer, too focused, too much diversity with the risk of slowing in the long term. I tend to agree with this analysis: "where is she my true tribe?" Certainly, Facebook allows me to create my group ... but what I want is a site with a specific pattern, a theme that suits me, users who share my passions and especially useful and accurate data related to the proposed topic. Today, platforms like Facebook and Hi5 are macrocosm, large spaces quantitative depersonalized. " We would therefore in a logical evolution of general networks, which have somehow evangelized the public and opened the door to new players. This is the case across the Atlantic, where the number of social networks has become truly impressive with themes more sophisticated.

And if social networks are now proliferating fast lane is that it is in full position. According to Kevin, " There will be no room for everyone. For social networking theme is sort of "first come first served basis. If this network is provided with good tools, an outsider will be very difficult to migrate the members of this network pre-established. "

What is the importance of "local" dimension in the race for market share? Probably decisive, since the local aspect is involved in at least one essential element in the development of a network: the value added to propose to target the tools most suited to the application and the essence of a network Community. This seems to have understood Libfly by contacting the gate with some media centers and libraries to enable its members know the availability of the books you want.

It is also possible to change the business model of these thematic networks with this local aspect. Kevin told me about it that "there will always advertising and monetization of databases. These are, in my opinion, two levers are generic to all platforms. Nevertheless, the specialization of the networks induced development of business models related to the subject worked. In our case, the theme of our network allows us to imagine other income sources. The reason is simple: the links forged by members of such a network become established more exclusively on the basis of emotional connection, friendly and professional rationally unquantifiable. But also about a physical product and monetizable, in this case a video game. This product concept is proving a real opportunity in the search for new business model . In other words, the establishment of a real community platform C to C to become a legitimate alternative to Ebay and PriceMinister affected sectors. This not to follow the example of Facebook big brother, always in pursuit of cost (please not to read about the excellent ticket Fred Cavazza: How to leave Facebook the deadlock?)

Thanks to Lionel and Kevin for the various information!