Friday, November 20, 2009

Chicken Pox Virus More Condition_symptoms

Startup Weekend in Paris from 4 to 6 December 2009

The Startup Weekend runs in Paris from 4 to 6 December 2009 at La Cantine - Paris

54h00 to create its startup !

Principle: Notice to all holders of projects, here you have a golden opportunity to present your idea, your ambitions ... and take a big step in the creation or development of your business. The objective: to exchange around your projects, collect valuable advice and for the most compelling ... convince the jury to help you financially. A great event, adapted from the U.S., it must be on encouraging in France. Bravo to the organizers!

To participate in the event, click "Register .

More info

The program of three days:

Schedule for Friday, December 4th:
6pm: Meet and Greet Chat What Would Be Interesting to build.
7:00 pm: Speaker
8:00 pm: Pitches start - If You Have an idea for a product, you pitch it to the group.
9:00pm: Team network and evaluate possible teams to work on.
This is a self-selection process. People form teams around ideas that they think are interesting and would like to work on for the weekend. Ideally, you’d like a group between 5 and 10 people — but groups of 2 or as large as 20 are acceptable.
Teams are not limited to working on web only applications. Generally, these make the most sense given the nature of the weekend and those who register. But if you really feel like working on that new cupcake business, go for it!
10pm: Team vote on top ideas and select the teams they will work with for the weekend. Teams solidify their concept and create an elevator pitch.
10:30pm: Leave for a bar or coffee shop to continue the discussion and create prototypes.

Schedule for Saturday, Dec 5th:
9am: Start development.
10am: By now, teams should have prototype(s) on paper, decided on a working title, and created technical plans. Start getting servers live, buying domains, creating user flows, etc.
12pm: Lunch break.
1pm: Speaker
2pm: More coding, business plan development, and a special guest.
6pm: Special guest drop-ins and pitches from the teams. These guests are generally angel investors, VCs, or sponsoring companies.
9pm: Gut check on the product; basic prototype building; group get-together for drinks and to talk about the products everyone is working on.

Schedule for Sunday, Dec 6th:
9am: Breakfast.
10am: By now, you should have a live splash page up with an email capture and a simple blog.
12pm: Projects are being developed, and more special guests drop in.
6pm: Sink or swim time for those looking for a weekend launch.
9pm: Presentations from each company. Talk about what worked, what didn’t, what could go better. Wrap up and move out.