Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Blunt Power Wholesale

Lagardère full course on digital

" We are entering a phase of rationalization and development of digital . It is through this heavy sentence consequences that the new boss of Lagardère Active Media Didier Quillot spoke in announcing the plan to revive the newspaper group. Save 70 million euros per year (including reducing its workforce by 7 to 10% worldwide) to become "a leader content online and cross-media . Some newspapers belonging to the Group are also set to exit. A strong sign that symbolizes the turn taken by the Lagardère Group: put the press titles adaptable to the Web channel.

The urgency is real. Only 1% of total turnover group comes from digital. To achieve the objectives between 5 and 10% by 2010, Lagardère knows he will develop a priority its flagship titles offline having had outdistanced the web. The most striking example being, press title success, yet few representative on the Internet where sites like Aufé have seized the early market opportunities.

Awareness seems in any case and movement are deep in the direction of a full course to digital. Asked by VuNet the paradox of Lagardère who has "a" fifty websites cons over 250 newspaper titles, Danielle Attias (consultant on new media research firm Greenwich Consulting ) evokes a late in digital development group ("On each segment Lagardère meet the competitors, the media group is distanced ") who happens to be in conflict with the first activities of Lagardère Internet (creation of Club-Internet since resold Online since 1996 ...). The difficulty of a traditional media group be transposed to a new channel where the expectations and constraints are different.

How is reflected today by Lagardère willingness to play the card of digital? Firstly, through acquisitions. Buying NewsWeb (editor, ...) reveals the group's desire to acquire skills in the development of digital media. Secondly by using innovation to each of its titles online. For example, video and audio podcasts, widgets, RSS have become part of daily Europe1. Com. Thirdly it will follow the transfer of Lagardere Active advertising (LAP) and Interdeco, ad group, having proven themselves in offline channels (including capturing a third of radio listeners) and now to grow on the Web obtaining advertising management of a portfolio client representative (, excellent cultural site, has entrusted its advertising to LAP).


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