Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hyperglycemia More Condition_symptoms

10 reasons not to choose that SEO agency

An interesting post on the blog of agency Relaction highlights 10 major reasons why an advertiser should be wary of discourse referencing agency who offers his services. Small translation:

1) "This is our first page pack warranty! The agency SEO (Search Engine Optimization) presents a pack 100% guaranteed. Even more serious, and fortunately increasingly rare, according to the staggered billing guaranteed positioning.

2) "We do not doorway pages, they are landing pages (input). The blacklisting of BMW in 2006 due to spamdexing example is the most newsworthy.

3) "SEO is a matter of a few meta tags." The third reason seems to be quite rare. This shows an ignorance on the part of the agency of the main criteria of optimization.

4) "We recommend that you spend 95% of your budget on pay-per-click. It is unreasonable summarize the SEM (Search Engine Marketing) sponsored links. The complementarity of natural search and sponsored links is real, do not put all your eggs in one basket.

5) "sponsored links to pay-per-click are 100% controllable." Despite a traditional auction system, ad sponsored links take into account other criteria than the mere listing (including click-through rate). As for SEO, it is difficult to guarantee an exact position for the sponsored links. Detailed item on the blog The Dating good.

6) "With us, you will be well positioned in 15 days! . The SEO does not allow this kind of affirmation. We must then ask the right questions: The agency does speak of major search engines? Queries on what the agency is committed? These queries are they really strategic?

7) "We deal as research tools. Once the visitor on your site, it is no longer our responsibility. " A quality SEO agency will offer advice beyond optimization in search engines to build a more coherent overall strategy including entry pages have effective and relevant in connection with queries.

8) "Yes we are a web agency but if you want we can take care of your optimization. SEO is a full-time job that requires expertise. Any agency can not be improvised Web SEO.

9) "You'll need to do any work on your website." Obviously false. The optimization passes (large) part of the site itself. In both the website structure and content relevance.

10) Relaction appealed to everyone to complete the 10th item. For my part, I would insist on monitoring, not mentioned in the first 9 points. SEO is a constant work, the SEO agency should not settle for optimizing a time without taking into account T T +1. Information clear and transparent monitoring allows the advertiser to better take into account the SEO in its budget decisions.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Butterfly Sayings Weddings

"Enter gift"

Lentschener Philip, chairman of the Publicis network France, on Monday gave a very interesting discussion at Figaro. In conjunction with the publication of his book "The Journey of the price," Philippe Lentschener back on the "phenomenology of Price" and its direct impact on marketing and communication. "The concept of price has become difficult to read" begins there, taking for example the rise of low cost and discount stores, causes a profound change in the relationship between product and consumer. "In this relationship to brands, the price is a key component." It is undeniable that today, hard discount is present in most sectors. Lentschener the link between the development of discount and the web by the fact that consumers are increasingly informed and qu'aujourdhui, as can be read more often, it takes power.

Article takes an interest when Philip Lentschener discusses the role of marketing in the fight against this escalation of low cost. "Going into the gift," he recommends, like the telephone industry was resigned to trivialize the gift of the phone to accept the lump-raising. Relatively rare, the gift is indeed a good way to change the relationship of the brand with consumers. The gift here is a powerful example to show that brands need to innovate in terms of relationship with their customers. "Brands need to understand that they are engaged in a long journey. They must do take the relationship with their consumers, they enrich it. "

Like Philip Lentschener, Echoes take the example of luxury to image integration to the product of a culture and investment in the brand image. A set that allows this sector does not see its price be challenged and to be one of the least competition from the low cost. Strong margins and loyalty to the rendezvous.