Sunday, March 21, 2010

P2n95 Particulate Mask With Respirator

2010, m-learning?

m-leaning (mobile learning) will allow there to e-learning to strengthen its presence in the academic and professional training? The e-learning is announced early each year as "a great tendency year . Still, the e-learning progressing, albeit at a slower pace than expected. Often, e-learning is playing for various initiatives, often successful, but slow to get into a real trend. Particularly in France where one writes in a study by Cegos fewer than one in four French employees has experienced at least once the e-learning. Far as the study performance of some European colleagues: UK, Spain ... And some experiments fail, as Supinfo, whose leadership assesses inglorious experience attempted " The balance is bad. We give up" all e-learning pre-return and non e-learning monitored. It is a failure educational, but we could not know until you try .

The m-learning seems to offer bright prospects and applications dedicated to mobile training if they are not new, will multiply in the near future.
The m-learning as a growth driver for e-learning? Logical and easy to analyze: low cost, time, optimized selection consists of the time of his apprenticeship, including during transportation if they wish so ...

the side of the i-Learning Forum (Palais des Congres in Paris on January 19), it displays an optimism rigor. If one is aware of the enormous, untapped potential, companies like CrossKnowledge grew by 60% each year for its distance learning courses.
Especially since the lights are green. According FIFG a survey for the Workshop , the proliferation of media training and education is not a barrier to learning, quite the opposite: "Integrating mobile phone, video games, augmented reality solutions modules and collaborative educational projects facilitates the acquisition of knowledge ". It remains to be aware of a wider dimension .

Challenges abound for m-learning and learning in general-and this, even if the " challenge is not technical" . Especially Acrobat Connect Pro 7.5 seems expectations market.


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