Saturday, January 29, 2011

Wynajem Pokoi Zakopane

Clement Duval

In 1887, the penal colony in Guyana, the director visited the cells where the prisoners are locked up recalcitrant happened to a cell, of prison guards who accompanied him said
"- Here, Duval, anarchist and proud of it."
"- If Duval behaves well, he will have the benevolence of government, otherwise, the Duval as the others, I'd bend!" replied the arrogant director. At this provocation, Duval said:
"- Les hommes conscients, tels que je pense être, sont comme le verre, ils cassent mais ne plient pas !"

Qui était ce Duval ?

Clément Duval est né en Mars 1850 dans la Sarthe, dans une famille pauvre ; il commença à travailler très jeune (à 10 ans) comme serrurier ; en 1870, il est envoyé comme tant d'autres à la boucherie de la guerre contre l'Allemagne, dernière et fatale folie de " Badinguet" (Napoléon III le sinistre tyran) ; il en reviendra avec des blessures et les pieds déformés ; il a déjà des problèmes avec authority.

in 1882 is based in the 17th arrondissement of Paris an anarchist group, "The Leopard Batignoles" Duval is one of them, he lived in Paris for several years and worked as a locksmith with Ritzerfeld Duval, Tortelier (specialist "moves to the wooden bell") and a dozen other anarchists animate this group.

"The Panther of Batignolles" is one of many anarchist groups that are created in France at that time, they discuss them, considering how to make bombs, etc..

October 5, 1886, a fire broke out in a big mansion in the Rue Monceau in Paris, the fire was lit by the (or) burglars, after grabbing the silver and jewelry; c is of course the author of the Duval case, he was arrested a few days later, following raids at the receivers.
Upon arrest, Smith is rebelling and finding themselves stuck, hit two stab a cop.

Duval explain his actions at trial, "he defended his freedom" at trial, he was also criticized, in addition to theft, of having set fire to the house, Smith says he would not set fire to the house because the parasites (the owners) were not there and therefore it was unnecessary to grill home, but Turquais his accomplice (who was never arrested), a rage for not having found what he sought to avenge the fire; Duval refuses to be sworn before the court, throughout the trial (that Smith calls " comedy "), Duval will make reference to anarchism, the judge criticized the flight, saying it was for his personal benefit that Duval had burglarized, Smith retorted that the money was intended to anarchism finance brochures, etc. to make bombs. and that his act was not theft, but just a refund and fly and fly parasites that exploit the proletariat, so the fact of plundering these sharks is not a flight but justice! As he was right! When, at the end of his trial, he was asked what he had to say in his defense, Duval kindled and made a violent speech against the bourgeoisie, the parasites of society, but we do not give him time to speak, he was forcibly evacuated by six cops, Duval continued to yell "Long live the social revolution, long live anarchy, I'd jump all!".

Its full text of his defense was published in several newspapers anarchists, a virulently anti-text system, Duval did not regret one thing: falling too early before he could take revenge on society.

The verdict: death sentence was Duval encamisolé force and put to death row, despite the rage that animated him, he saw a foot in the grave ... One month Later, his sentence was commuted sentence to hard labor for life in penal colonies of Guiana.

The act of forgiving Duval, a first among anarchists, individual recovery, led to controversy and the French anarchist movement was divided, with some disapproval (as Jean Grave) or others admitted the gesture without approval (as Severine), others stated flatly Duval ( as Elysée Reclus).

In prison:

Clement Duval comes to the islands of Hi (Guyana) 24 April 1887, he stayed 14 years. One of the first anarchist to land in this cesspool, from the start, Duval stumbled with some guardians of the worst kind, which earned him Many stay in solitary confinement in squalid dungeons, and often for a trifle, but Duval, with its intractability, never allowed himself to do! He had to endure, just as his companions in misfortune, all the hardships, infamous guards, harsh conditions of life (with the heat, snakes, pests, epidemics, food shortages and the exhausting work), a frightful world where many are falling like flies.

One day, Duval took part in a fool custodian who accused him of being an anarchist, Duval replied that "all those who possess, to the detriment of those who have nothing, so thieves "mostly civil servants, people in place, which consume a lot and produce nothing."

During all those years spent in prison, Clement Duval know almost all anarchists who will land in this mess (the Pini Italian anarchist who was his best friend, through Victor Cail, an anarchist Breton , Liars-Courtois, Meunier, Lepiez Paridaen two printers and anarchists, Simon (or "Ravachol II) an accomplice Ravachol Chevenet, GirierLorion, and many others.

Due to its locksmith business, Duval was asked by the prison administration for a job in the prison workshop tools, Duval agreed, but adamantly refused any work which would be linked to the torture of convicts gear (rods of "justice" shackles , chains, sharpening the knife of the guillotine, etc..) Duval had several times to undergo cell stays in isolation because of his stubborn refusal to perform such menial tasks.

He tried again and again to escape, all these attempts failed (except the last one!) Because of spying, accomplices too talkative (an "Disease" in prison) or simply bad luck ...

Despite all these setbacks, Duval did not give up, do not yield to discouragement and never missed an opportunity, the hassle or taunting the galley (the guardians) of their screaming top and strong membership of anarchy! Duval in his memoir, poignantly describes his daily life and that of other convicts, he will draw many portraits of convicts, he will also speak to one of the most famous "Butterfly" but Duval will not say as much as it was a selfish, always on the side of the strongest thing Duval, as anarchist could only dismiss because Duval will always show solidarity with his companions (whether anarchist or not); anarchist with his friends, he met with them over a meal prepared in a single larger container the famous "flat anarchist" as Duval writes.

Mutual will always bet with him and will always be effective in the fight against injustice, bullying the galley (that Smith called the "jackasses"), betrayals among the convicts and the blows of fate.

The escape from prison

Clement Duval, after the 18th (!) Escape attempt succeeds to make nice with other convicts, he fled, after many vicissitudes, New York, USA, hosted by Italian anarchists. The registration number 21551 (the number of Clement Duval in prison) had finally managed to escape (April 1901)

In New York, among Italian anarchists, a large colony and solidarity, Duval was greeted by brother over 50 years, deformed feet, malnourished and exhausted by years of suffering, and there Seeing little more, the "father Duval will end his life in Brooklyn Italian.

Duval write his memoirs with the help of Luigi Galleani (his translator), a first book was published by "adunata refrattari dei" (an association of Italian anarchists in New York), quelquesextraits were published by "The Endehors" in France.

Clement Duval dies at age 85 March 29, 1935 in Brooklyn, without returning to France (to his regret). Just a few years ago, during the saga of the Bonnot gang, anarchists Duval wrote to newspapers France to defend the anarchists robbers the Bonnot gang.

End Duval, according to those who met him in his old age, was ardent and inflamed for anarchism; Clement Duval, despite years of suffering in prison, after the exile , maintained the rage and the urge to fight for anarchy.

The last word is for Clement himself: "Friends anarchists, if you do, do you rather kill on the spot, cut off the head. But never go to prison!"


READ: "I, Clement Duval, and anarchist convict" Mr. Enckell, Editions-Labor. Behind the scenes of anarchy, "Floro'squar, r-Editions Les Nuits Rouges.

Me, Clement Duval, convict and anarchist

almost a century, tens of thousands of convicts were sent to the "dry guillotine". Few people have survived the prison, even fewer who could tell their life in this hell. In 1887, anarchist Clément Duval (1850-1935) proclaimed in court Assize the right to revolt but also to use the wealth of the rich to serve his cause. Sentenced to hard labor for life, sent to Guyana, he continues, during the fourteen years spent in the Islands Hi, to affirm the values of anarchism. Managed to escape during the eighteenth attempt, he is greeted in New York by Italian anarchists. Duval describes in his memoirs, beyond the life of the prison overnight, the resistor to hunger, disease, humiliation, and the repressive system.


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