Monday, October 15, 2007

Chest Cold More Condition_symptoms

Interview Mikael Bodlore-Penlaez (Point BZH)

We talked some time ago , several associations Breton supports the establishment of an Internet extension linked to the promotion of Breton culture (the. Bzh for "Breizh "Which means" Brittany "in Breton). Thank you to Mikael Bodlore-Penlaez - Association Point BZH - for agreeing to explain the underside of such a project.

Douard Olivier: A few months after the launch of the petition for an extension to clean the region of Brittany, the debate he suggested? The popular movement has met your expectations?

Mikael Bodlore-Penlaez: The petition has garnered over 15,000 signatures, which is important for an online petition. Through this action, the mobilization was very strong. As we hoped, the Britons First, have invested in this project and these signatures (including artists and politicians) are in evidence. Not only people susceptible to Breton culture which have signed but many Britons thought it was interesting that the award could have a specific extension to the Breton community. Then communities voted in favor of vows. Bzh which Brittany has taken a large part in the action, offering to participate in financing part of the file. Thus, in combining the energy of several actors (Point BZH, Christian Ménard, a member finistérien invested in this project and obtained favorable responses from Nicolas Sarkozy - before he was President - and François Fillon, Britain Forward, a Breton association that bears the project and soon realized that a feasibility study funded by the Brittany region) that. bzh may be able to see the day because the road ahead is still long. The allocation of extending the Internet is not a whim but must be reasoned, financed and economically viable.

OD: Is it possible to estimate the cost of creating and maintaining a extension such as. Bzh? How Point BZH activates to find the money?

MBP: It is difficult to assess at this time the total cost of such an operation. Is understood according to some sources in amounts ranging from 40 000 to 80 000 € to file the case to ICANN, see if one takes into account the costs. For this reason the first step is to conduct a feasibility study that will evaluate these costs. For in addition to filing the record, it is well to assess the economic viability of a new extension to the Internet. If the. Bzh is created, it will be necessary for users interested in buying it for their website or use it to their address e-mail. We must therefore create or rely on an ad hoc structure for operating the extension. This will also have a cost.

OD: What are the strategic points studied by ICANN before confirming the activation of a new extension?

MBP: ICANN ensures particularly the viability of the project. In addition the project must meet specific criteria. For. Bzh example, it is not an extension for an extension of Britain but for the Breton community. Ie a person living outside of Britain will buy it. It is therefore an open vision of Britain question ... When we talk about sustainability, it is economically viable. ICANN does not create extensions for nothing.

OD: After Catalonia (the lucky recipient. Cat this year), like other English provinces of Galicia and the Basque Country seem interested in creating their own extension. Brittany she has no interest in advancing those occasional allies? Other French regions are they likely to make such efforts?

MBP: The Catalans have greatly helped the Britons in this process. In particular Amadeu Abril i Abril, former director of the Foundation. cat who immediately offered to guide us. When Breizh Touch, event promotion of Brittany in Paris organized by the region, Mr. Abril i Abril came to explain how the Catalans have started their operation, which incidentally took several years to emerge. The Catalans have created this extension for the Promotion of Culture and the Catalan language and it works very well. Likewise, other communities want their extension, which seems normal. Welsh, Scottish, Galician or Basque. UK Prospective who works at the project appraisal has already attended a meeting in St. Jacques de Compostela (Galicia) to discuss the matter. There is great interest in the collective play of Britons in this area. Other cultural and linguistic communities could be tempted by the experience. Occitania example. Thank you and Olivier Kenavo.

OD: Kenavo Mikael!

And since we're on the subject, I would like to announce that the highly efficient email service video , has opened its new version available in 8 languages including ... Breton. ;-)


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