Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Makeupshop Uk Setbags


Firstly, I take this post to wish you all the best for 2008! Health, happiness and success. For my part, one of my resolutions is to update this blog on a break for a few weeks. I wish this year, in addition to interviews e-marketing, setting up a series of articles defining some terms specific to e-commerce and the Internet in general. First definition of this series, the very marketing Burrowing !

The Burrowing (which comes from the verb "To Burrow -" lie low ") in a Web context is a term defining lifestyle to stay home. This development is the basis of a simple premise: the place of an individual's life became the focus of many activities. Established by Faith Popcorn from the 70's , the concept of Burrowing then based on developments such as home control, the development of cable ...

Today Burrowing appears rely on the development of Web services to move to the next step. Martine and Alain Janssens-Umflat Ejzyn in their book "M @ rketing" make the state of Places: "From home, the man can simultaneously work remotely (telecommuting), study (e-learning), shopping, entertainment ...." Today Amazon and many others (include MyCocooning ) fully assume the operation of this major change in our society. As written by LSA in its edition of April 5, 2007, The burrowing is clearly related to the "Nesting", a term defining the current trend to pay attention to his "Home" (see strong growth Market decoration). The Burrowing would be the result of the convergence of two ideas:

- The desire to improve his personal comfort and quality of habitat.
- The development of communication technology and purchasing.


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