Thursday, September 18, 2008

' I-catcher Console-web Monitor

Lagardère Active: Going digital track

We were discussing together on this blog a few months ago made the transition to digital by Lagardère Active (Lagardère Media Cluster) since 2007. The share of turnover generated by Internet Group capping at around 1%, Didier Quillot, appointed Director of Lagardère Active Media, had set up a recovery plan. Objective? 5-10% of turnover by revenues from the Web by 2010.

More than 6 months after that announcement, what is it? Lagardere Active

announced in late August 1 up 7.3% in operating profit in the first half of 2008. In a context sensitive advertising for the press, Internet and DTT logically derive their game with "a double-digit growth." Didier Quillot also benefits to an intermediate point on its 3-year plan. The share of Web sales of Lagardère Active rises to 6.5% (end June). One figure that sticks to the objective already mentioned in 2010. Below 7% could be achieved by the end of the year.

This expected trend is the result of a real shift to digital. Lagardère Active is looking more than ever to the Web and mobile channels to find new sources of growth in his heart activity.

Next challenge: PMT (Personal Mobile TV). Having obtained permission only last April (Virgin17) within the 13 channels selected by the CSA, Lagardère Active is currently refining several records to respond to the next call for applications under the CSA in 2009 and present "at least two channels" according to Julien Billot , director of Lagardère Active Digital: "We were one of the losers [see call for nominations April 2008] and we intend to catch up with us when the new session.

Furthermore, Lagardere continues to intensify its presence on the web. By launching this month (first search engine 100% Deco "), Lagardère continues his crusade to try to achieve numerical goal current 100 new Web sites by late 2009.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Shirley Mae Henninger

Show 2008 e-commerce: Sprint

Save the date! From 23 to 25 September 2008, do not forget the show e-commerce organized by . This is an opportunity to meet a multitude of actors in French e-commerce but also internationally. Registration is free (affiliate link below), as every year, and the event takes place this time at Porte de Versailles.

soon on this blog for more interesting background notes.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

What Type Of Hair Does Myammee Wears

Advergames: a mature market?

The advergames (also called Adgames) bring together all the online games with the aim of promoting a product, service or more generally of a brand. The advergame belongs to the family of CRM marketing tools because it allows also to obtain information (more or less detailed) of its prospects, or even clients.

Sebastian Coulaud, ESCP-EAP, we present the results of his research on the development of advergames. After a market analysis, Sebastien wanted to study the differences in perception Men / Women of advergames. His study is available .

Not surprisingly, differences in perception of general advertising and advergames in particular are great. While men seem to appreciate the advantage of advergames, they are less sensitive to the presence of the brand and see it as a hindrance to their amusement. It is also possible to assert that men and women have different preferences for advergames. Women favoring puzzle games action games / competition. A study full of lessons, both in terms of placing a mark or target advertising. Thank you Sebastian!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Alli-catcher Console-web Monitor

Solutions E-Commerce: Comparison

Several readers of this blog have contacted me in recent months to discuss various e-commerce solutions, their benefits, their rates ... Gregory, the blog Wizishop , offers us a very detailed answer with this comparative 24 e-commerce platforms ! LeMondeInformatique we proposed in 2006 a study of 11 solutions but the comparison is much more of Grégory provided including numerous interviews. So thank you to Gregory for this painstaking work and good reading!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Female Baldness More Condition_symptoms

Interview Eric Niakissa (Odimat)

Niakissa I met Eric there is a little over a year at a Roundtable SEO . At the time, Eric had in mind creating its own SEO agency : Odimat . Eric thank you for agreeing to give us a little balance to N +1.

Olivier Douard: With many players, the market for SEOs is it mature? How does a new player can differentiate?

Niakissa Eric: First, we must realize that the market is the bearer: "The growth of IT projects is 12% compared to Q1 2006 and 145% if one takes Only projects related to reference websites "(Source
). Precisely because of this it is increasingly difficult to differentiate. In their models, SEO companies are service companies where the classical relational plays a predominant role. New SEO companies recently created may not only develop the relationship. The success of the company the first position was made in part by positioning themselves on the Altavista word "SEO". Now, a company qui veut atteindre ce résultat devra patienter de nombreux mois avant que cela soit rentable. Donc elle devra communiquer, online ou offline.

OD : Plus d'un an après la création de ton agence Odimat, quel bilan fais-tu de cette expérience à titre personnel?

EN : J'aurais beaucoup de choses à dire. Tout d’abord, je dois faire la différence entre "Éric le créateur" et "Éric le référenceur". Être chef d'entreprise c'est bien différent que d'optimiser des pages et apporter des recommandations. C'est savoir s'entourer d'associés et de collaborateurs, c'est négocier les prix et les payment deadlines, have a global vision. My job is not SEO unfortunately a part of my daily life. At the same time, it is a privilege to have participated in events of national scope and conduct conferences: events organized by, local fairs and

OD: We discussed this briefly in comments on this blog: Odimat communicates on a notion of "guaranteed SEO . Is this not an end to the problems of inadequate SEO? The "Satisfied Money Back there a sense in a market with strong evolution (and thus uncertainty) on the future of algorithms?

IN: Indeed we are entitled to ask questions, say several colleagues of elsewhere: "Do not see an agency that can guarantee the result." But the question is, what customers are willing to pay a single board or a real guarantee? At Odimat we n 'not have the same target as the major market players. Apart from a few large customers, we work primarily with SMEs that are amenable to pay, but the result, and that's what we offer ! That is our business innovation. From a technical standpoint, we must be aware of the latest is the minimum. To be ahead of our competitors, we tested the techniques to be used tomorrow. It's R & D, it takes time. But it should be noted that we guarantee only the keywords that we believe to reference. For example: we will never guarantee a unique keyword as generic as "Paris".

OD: A review of the proposed takeover bid by Microsoft to Yahoo? What would be the practical consequences on the market of SEO and SEM?

IN: I just think Microsoft has the resources to compete with Google technically, with or without Yahoo. After the product is not all, especially the use of Internet will change all that. If this is the case, which MET will suffer, mainly with a lower bid price on Google because demand will decrease.

OD: Thank you Eric and good continuation to Odimat!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Makeupshop Uk Setbags


Firstly, I take this post to wish you all the best for 2008! Health, happiness and success. For my part, one of my resolutions is to update this blog on a break for a few weeks. I wish this year, in addition to interviews e-marketing, setting up a series of articles defining some terms specific to e-commerce and the Internet in general. First definition of this series, the very marketing Burrowing !

The Burrowing (which comes from the verb "To Burrow -" lie low ") in a Web context is a term defining lifestyle to stay home. This development is the basis of a simple premise: the place of an individual's life became the focus of many activities. Established by Faith Popcorn from the 70's , the concept of Burrowing then based on developments such as home control, the development of cable ...

Today Burrowing appears rely on the development of Web services to move to the next step. Martine and Alain Janssens-Umflat Ejzyn in their book "M @ rketing" make the state of Places: "From home, the man can simultaneously work remotely (telecommuting), study (e-learning), shopping, entertainment ...." Today Amazon and many others (include MyCocooning ) fully assume the operation of this major change in our society. As written by LSA in its edition of April 5, 2007, The burrowing is clearly related to the "Nesting", a term defining the current trend to pay attention to his "Home" (see strong growth Market decoration). The Burrowing would be the result of the convergence of two ideas:

- The desire to improve his personal comfort and quality of habitat.
- The development of communication technology and purchasing.