Monday, September 6, 2010

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Recovery the Vril by the 3rd Reich occult

Before reading this article published in Issue 7 of the magazine Undercover, it is necessary to recall that:

" In the legend, writes Jean-Louis Bernard, the" green power "or" green flash "is the fundamental cosmic force that the" celestial impostor "Lucifer had stolen. Same legend across the Atlantic, about Gukup-Cakix and Hurrian in Cilicia, about Kumarbi. Ray of life, power PHOSPHOROS became, through Lucifer, death ray, as used outside the laws of universal harmony. "

Eschatology Kalachakra Tantra prophesied a terrible conflict that is caused by an attacker who can dominate the planet. The belligerence of the universal enemy of the dharma world order will be there based on pril black, Luciferian death ray?

"It is with the outbreak of another war, which is not limited to our planet because of extraterrestrial forces intervene in the fighting. The killings and destruction in horror exceed anything we have known far. [...] By means of powerful weapons known, described as harpoons and celestial wheels ... "The Kalachakra Tantra

It is difficult to speak of PRIL and the free energy between us that without the example of the Nazis who were the first to experience this technology successfully.

Presumably their arsenal is carefully concealed in America or South Pole, waiting for the oil slicks are dry ...

The diversion of the free energy by the Nazis confirms that this force should not be a prostitute for the purposes a materialistic society.

There remains a troubling question: why the 3rd Reich, in possession of these weapons could easily crush the formidable allies, has not used?

This returns us to the thesis of the false Nazi defeat and the apparent victory of the allies.

This paper demonstrates that the free energy was controlled from the 30s, but more than 70 years later, everyone (especially the United States who hosted the German scientists) still pretend to ignore.

D years the city of Vienna before the First World War, the occult was a form of theology extremely popular.

The strong interest in the ancient and esoteric teachings led to the emergence and resurgence, many confraternities, orders and doctrines.

The common point between these brotherhoods was in their obsession to plan and prepare for the arrival of a new "golden age".

Hitler had read all the books available on mysticism and related subjects. He believed that the world must be reshaped so as to pave the way for the prophesied birth of a new Babylon.

placed sources, Adolph Hitler had read Bulwer Lytton's book, entitled The Coming Race (new race), about an underground race that would have possessed supernatural technology and, according to the novel , was intended to reign on earth.

This was probably due to his fascination occult legends - like the Buddhist traditions about the underground world called Agharta and Hindu legends resembling a reptilian cavern called Patala, etc..

This novel gave Hitler fanatic to the point of constantly expect the imminent invasion of earth by the subterranean forces, and prepare alliances with these breeds so that they can then be associated with dominance the planet.

Some have theorized somewhat unusual that these subterranean beings would be divided into three main groups, such as human witches, reptilian humanoids who are apparently a carryover of the ancient species of bipedal dinosaur raptor type that would have survived the extinction of their race by taking refuge in underground cave systems (literally creatures Dungeons & Dragons ...), and finally, small hornets cyber gray.

was also an era of great discoveries and advances in science.

In Vienna in 1917, during a famous interview, a medium, a pilot, two occult and a member of the Knights of the Temple, exchanged their views about the New Age. They spoke of their revelations and the opportunity to contact old Germanic and Babylonian deities.

It is possible that this interview was behind the formation of the secret Thule Society, which in turn begat the German National Socialist Party, the SS and the Vril Societies.

Their source of power was the "Black Sun", a light interior invisible, ever present and always ready to deliver unlimited power to whoever possesses the secret. The symbol of the Black Sun has appeared in many ancient civilizations, including the Babylonian civilization.

The Thule Society, 1917.

The Thule Society was founded in 1917 by three men. Located in Munich, it was home to many faiths. In 1921 Hitler was taken as speaker and, inspired by the beliefs of the Thule Society, its scaffolding millennium project of Empire.

The Vril Society, 1919 .

Some groups broke away. One of them became the Vril Society in 1919. This group consisted of mediums and experts in philosophy and ancient manuscripts, especially those of the Sumerians and Babylonians. There were also two scientists well versed in alternative energy. Their goal was to successfully communicate with the heavenly bodies of the past, and even time travel.

The machine to travel back in time, 1922.

From these meetings, the group developed a plan to use their strange knowledge to build a machine to travel back in time. This was to transport them to the edge of the universe and time, and bring them to the gods themselves.

experiences with this machine lasted about two years and it is unclear what came out. By cons, there is evidence that the study served as a starting point for the development of Unit Power of the Vril Levitation. It is believed that the machine was tested in 1924, apparently in a German Messerschmidt factory.

Rudolph Hess

Rudolph Hess was a member of the Thule Society and German scientists encouraged to continue their study of new technologies.

Viktor Schauberger

is believed that Viktor Schauberger, inventor, was associated with esoteric groups. He perfected many prototypes of flying machines based on the theory of levitation. The cornerstone of his studies was that other electro-gravitational power and tachometer, the harmonic resonance and harmonic proportions.

Schauberger is said to have used mathematical formulas Pythagorean secret held by the Templars to develop his design of implosion.

The implosion is to use the potential of the inner world to the world outside. He was amazed to see how this could be useful to generate a clean and limitless power. These secrets stimulated his fascination with the vibrations of the universe.

Studies led to the discovery of anti-matter and its applications in overcoming the forces of gravity.

Hitler put his hand on Schauberger and asked him to train his close aides on his findings.

The Horten brothers and the "flying wing"

Many drawings of flying wing back to German models, like those of the Horten brothers in the 30s.

One of the largest supersonic delta this time was the unfortunate Valkyrie bomber.

The Vril Society and its hard drive - 1934

In mid 1934, the Vril Society began developing its first flying disc-shaped driven by the anti-gravity.

The device RFC 1, was designed by Dr. Schuman and a German engineer.

A film entitled "The First Woman on the Moon" themed space travel, was produced by the German National Company Film. Revenues were used to build the first space rocket by a team led by von Braun.

Before the end of 1934, the Vril Society was testing the device already RFC 2, with an improved propulsion system and a driving magnetic pulse.

contours became blurred when the vehicle accelerated, and it was emitting bright lights that change color depending on the power of the device.

This Only four years later the Germans began implementing the supersonic motion.

The SS and their new Society of the Black Sun, evinced interest in the work of the Vril Society, and launched research into alternative energies.

Originally, their goal was to gain energy independence vis-à-vis the oil supplying countries. The branch of the organization in charge of the search was called SS E4. Section SS E4 developed quickly its own device.

RFC-4 / HANEBU 1-1939

Towards the end of 1938, RFC-4, a circular propeller aircraft, was developed specifically to study the behavior aircraft flight-shaped disc.

The RFC5 or Haunebu 1, showing a whopping 65-foot wingspan, was born in 1939.

It first flew in August

At the end of 1940 a RFC2 was used for reconnaissance missions.

Adjustments of Haunebu 2 (RFC 6) were also made. This disc-shaped device measured from 26 to 36 meter wingspan and between 9 and 11m high.

In July 1941 was a device designed gyro and vertical takeoff jet. The tests began in late 1942, but the prototype suffered from serious design flaws.

The PRIL 1-1942

During the winter of 1942, the Vril 1 (301) was tested at the airfield the Vril. It was a car with an overall length of 36 feet. Three guns exceeded its hull.

This led to the development of devices commonly known as UFOs. Among these, the Bolenzo the Schreiber and Meth.

work on RFC 7t disc-shaped (rather than saucer) began in 1942. Upon completion, the team of scientists was happy to have designed a lightweight device that is both reliable and functional.

The SS had also planned it seems, to build a ship Space Type Haunebu large, a diameter of 400 feet.

According to some rumors they have also successfully tested the Haunebu 3 of a length of 230 feet.

It was mother ships capable of transporting many small Haunebu.

In December 1942 over France, a pilot with the Royal Air Force aircraft flying a Hurricane interceptor, saw two light sources close to the ground to shoot him while he was flying at an altitude Cruise 7000 feet.

At first he took these lights to fire tracers (enemy positions). But when they began to mount and follow him, reproducing any of the maneuvers he performed to escape, the pilot realized that they were controlled by a being endowed with intelligence. The lights, which remained at a constant distance from each other, continued for several miles.

Operation Alderbaran - 1943/44

Society the Vril met in 1943 and devised Operation Alderbaran.

Some occultists claimed to have received information about a planetary system inhabited by the gods. They even had maps of distant landscapes.

Societies of Vril and Thule believed that the solar system Alderbaran was distant from the earth 68 light years.

Sun, Alderbaran, was surrounded by two inhabited planets.

The two together made up the Sumerian Empire (on the celestial plane).

3 and 4 January 1944, a meeting took place between Hitler and Himmler about the Vril Society and their plans to build a tunnel that would be independent of the speed of light, and to launch a spaceship through the tunnel towards Alderbaran.

Some even claim that time travel had already successfully taken place, during which the Germans had been transported inside their aircraft at the time of Babylon, and were welcomed as the "white gods" of ancient Sumerian and Babylonian legends.

The Foo Fighters

The Foo Fighters were levitating globes of light, about one meter in diameter, they were silently crossing the lines of allied fighters and bombers, and Nazis during the 2nd World War. This was never officially explained.

September 29, 1944 at 10:45 am, a test pilot was testing a new Messerschmitt ME 262 SCHWALBE when two bright spots on his right hand suddenly attracted his attention.

He rushed at full speed in that direction and found himself face to face with a cylindrical object, more than 300 feet long, with side openings and equipped with long antennas in forward and measuring almost half its total length. Having approached to a distance of 1500 feet, the pilot was amazed that this unit was moving at nearly 2000 km / h.

The Foo Fighter was actually a prototype emasculated, its mission is to fly close to enemy aircraft and disrupt their navigation instruments and communication. The Germans knew the unit under the German name "turtle" because of his appearance on the ground.

In November 1944, Lieutenant Schlater, driver of the U.S. Air Force, claimed to have seen glowing balls of fire dancing near the fuselage.

On 14 December 1944, the existence of Foo Fighters was released to the world when the Reuters news on the phenomenon appeared in the New York Times.

In "UFO Document," by Don Berliner, Whitley Strieber describes a confrontation as follows: 1944, an afternoon on the north of Italy, bright light, clear sky. U.S. bombers arrive on the plain of the Po, with a mission to attack German defensive positions. Below, the Luftwaffe Me-109 sends a few.

While the German fighters are in the process of ascent, the pilots noticed the glowing balls of light just at the tip of the wings. At the same time, American airmen noticed the same phenomenon - balls of light that burst in the middle of their training.

The pilots of both sides look at these items carefully. Everyone thinks in a sort of secret homing weapon. Pilots complained regularly of combustion problems during confrontations with the Foo Fighters.

Harry Truman mandala General Jimmy Doolittle to investigate Flying Balls of Fire German, or Foo Fighters, during the Second World War.

This officer reported that the Foo Fighters were real, but not from the German technology and were probably of extraterrestrial origin.

Former pilot Wendelle Stevens said that the foo fighters could neither be killed or scattered by the devices. Foo Fighters imitated maneuvering combat aircraft and pilots from the Air Force could not dislodge them. Stevens added that the first sightings of Foo Fighters back to 1942.

It is believed that the name Foo Fighter is a cartoon character named Smokey Stover, who was always saying: "Where there's foo, there is fire. "

Someone has called these balls of light Foo Fighters and the name stuck (the American airmen also nicknamed Kraut Balls (the" balls of Fritz ").

The former CIA agent Virgil Armstrong, established at the end of World War II, Hitler and the SS were in possession of at least two " flying saucers "Hanebu fully operational.

One of them was able to achieve top speeds of 1,200 miles per hour, changing direction at 90 °, and vertical take-offs. Armstrong reported that the second could go twice as fast, and it was provided in the lower part of laser guns that can pierce thick armor of four feet.

Machine Andromeda

late of war, the SS built the machine Andromeda, a space station to UFOs. She used the System of Gravitation Vril.

V7 - 1945

On April 17, 1945, Hitler was informed that another device, V7, was tested over the Baltic. The V7 was a supersonic helicopter with 12 turbo BMW.

It was started by a circuit unconventional and reached an altitude of 80,000 feet when his second flight.

There is evidence ample as would indicate that thousands of diehard Nazis broke into the U.S., and have infiltrated all levels of the structure of military and industrial information, the Rockefeller directed essentially bribe while the American president that they thwart the powers of Congress [by the veto, executive orders, appointment rather than election of executives of key agencies and the creation of several secret agencies operating under the classifications of "security" which the most influential members of Congress had no access].

Other sources speak of Nazis "Antarcticains" who have infiltrated deep networks of caves and ancient tunnels left by the Atlanteans and Lemurs, located in the western United States.

Old Newspapers of New Mexico, dating from the early 40s, evoke the resurgence of "tourists" German "colonized New Mexico", visiting caves and mines, appropriating many property owners, and engaging in other types activities for the less strange ...

Operation Paper Clip and Werner Von Braun - 1945

On August 15, 1945, U.S. President Harry Truman issued a formal mandate and March 1946, began collecting German documents relating to the study on new technologies.

The operation, known as the 'Paper Clip' was actually a screen designed to bring German scientists to the United States to develop a 'weapons system miracle '. This group was led by Werner Von Braun.

Dr. Herman Orberth

Von Braun was a former disciple of the great pioneer of space, Dr. Herman Orberth. Orberth, considered one of the three fathers of the space age, is said to have argued for the extraterrestrial connection.

Indeed, he said: "We can not just claim to have made their own progress in some scientific fields, we have been helped." When asked "By whom?", He replied simply "beings from other worlds." (From Alien Liaison).

In 1954 Orberth wrote, "I claim that UFOs are spaceships from another solar system. I think they are probably driven by intelligent observers members of a race which does research on our planet for centuries. They probably use Mars or another planet as a base bridge.

In 1955, Von Braun invited to Dr. Orberth United States where he worked on rockets in connection with the Ballistic Missile Agency Army, and later with NASA.

Von Braun was the mastermind of the completion of the first U.S. satellite, Explorer 1, launched January 1, 1958, and the program of conquest of the moon was largely based on the research of Nazi science.

Basics 'space' Nazi on the moon and major Nazi bases in Antarctica.

But few people realize that the rocket propulsion, antigravity propulsion besides, were part of Nazi space program. The Nazis could they set foot on the moon before the Americans? Anyway, rumors indicate bases 'space' Nazi on the moon ... and also major Nazi bases in the mountains of Neu Schwabenland (New Swabia) in Antarctica ...

Admiral Byrd at the South Pole in search of Nazi records s

At the end of the war various stories tried to explain what had happened to the flying discs Nazis. One rumor claimed that one of these disks had been sunk to the bottom of a lake in Austria.

theories most widely claimed that the discs had been transported in the utmost secrecy in less accessible regions of South America, especially in Antarctica. Some even claim that there is a German base for UFOs in the Arctic.

However, note with interest that the Allies under the command of Admiral Byrd, organized an operation in Antarctica. 30 German submarines cruising in the Baltic area were missing in the end of the war. They had a prolonged immersion system allowing them to stay underwater for up to several weeks in a row. Presumably these U-boats have been used to bring the German technology in a safe place.

4000 troops, warships, aircraft carriers and logistics support team invaded the frozen continent. It is reported that these forces would have had 8 months and unconditional financial support to complete the transaction.

But it petered out and was abandoned After eight weeks after the loss of many aircraft.

Admiral Byrd explained that if a new world war were to occur, it would be expected to cope with flying machines capable of moving from one pole to another.

Source: Undercover No. 7


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