Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Motorcycle Cake, Arizona

Behind the veil of events

And other writings of Rudolf Steiner

"In the nineteenth century, science has discovered that our nervous system was driven by electrical forces. She was right. But when she thought, when investigators believe that nerve-force which is part of us, which is the basis of our mental life has anything to do with electrical currents, they are wrong. Because the electric currents are forces that have been filed by this person that we just described, they are not at all part of our being: we actually carry also electrical currents within us, but they are purely ahrimanic.

These entities highly intelligent, but intelligence is purely Mephistophelian, and will more closely related to nature that it can be said of the human will have a decided day of their own will, not wanting to live in the world which the gods of wisdom from the top hierarchy had intended to live. To conquer the earth, they need body with no body clean, they use the human body much as they can, because the human soul can not completely fill the human body.
(R. Steiner, Behind the veil of events, Paris, 1999, p. 75 ff.)

"circles who want to bring in the Antichrist by passing for Christ seek to exploit what may act by forces including the most material, but, with these forces the most material, is in fact acting in a spiritual way. These movements are mainly exploited for electricity, especially terrestrial magnetism, to produce effects on the earth ... We will lift the veil on this mystery. Americans hold the secret of using terrestrial magnetism in its duality of magnetic north and south, to send over all the land forces of domination that act on a spiritual [...] I can on these questions, give nothing Also, for now, only slight indications: there is a sky line along which spiritual entities exert their action continuously, simply make these spiritual entities in the service of earthly existence to lift the veil on this Mystery of Terrestrial Magnetism [...]

The spiritual mysteries by which this can be cosmic, earth - using the dual forces of magnetism, positive and negative - through what is spiritual, from Gemini, they are forces noon. Already in ancient times, we knew that this was something cosmic, and scientists are well aware, today, on an exoteric there one way or another, in the zodiac, behind the Twins, a positive magnetism and magnetism negative. It will then paralyze what needs to be taken of the cosmos through the manifestation of duality, to paralyze so selfish, materialistic, using forces that are flocking to humanity for the Twins, and can be fully implemented Double serving.

For other fraternities who want to especially miss the Mystery of Golgotha, it will take advantage of the dual nature of man, this dual nature that includes as the man entered the fifth period postatlantéenne, one side of man, but man as his animal nature below. For man is really a centaur: it contains the lower astral animal nature, and contains humanity as above, so to speak, such animal. Because of the concurrent action of the dual nature in him, there is also a dualism of forces - and this dualism of forces that will be used more on the eastern side of India, by some fraternities selfish ... and then uses this dualism forces operating from Sagittarius. "
(R. Steiner, individual spiritual beings unit and foundation of the world, GA178, Paris, 1999.)

"But there is a place on the surface of the earth that has the greatest kinship with these forces [Ahrimanic ]. When the man goes there, he enters their sphere of influence as soon as he leaves, it is not so, because it is geographical, ethnographic or not national, but purely geography. The region where the flows from the bottom exerts the greatest influence on the Double is the region of the earth where most of the mountains are not transversely oriented from west to east, but where the mountains are mainly oriented from North to South - as this is also related to these forces - and where it is close to the magnetic north pole. This is the region where, under the effect of external conditions, primarily develops a kinship with nature Mephistophelian ahrimanic [satanic]. And many in the evolution of the earth continues its forward march, is due to this relationship. The man has no right now to go through the evolution of the earth blind and must see through these links things. Europe can establish just relations with America if these circumstances can be drilled to date, if one knows what the geographical limitations come from there. Otherwise, if Europe continues to remain blind to this, so will the poor in Europe as he went to Greece over Rome.

Do not make the world geographically Americanized [...] as America's efforts are intended to mechanize everything, do everything to enter the realm of pure naturalism, to gradually remove the surface culture of Europe. "
(R. Steiner, Behind the veil of Events - The Mystery of the Double, GA 178, Paris, 1999, pp. 88-89).

Materialism has pushed our knowledge to a level of shame, as this was never happened on Earth. The worst of what happened in our time is to confuse love with sex. This is the worst expression of materialism, the most evil of our time. What done in this area is what we should get rid first. Sexuality and love have nothing in common. Sexuality has nothing to do with pure love, original. Our knowledge has committed an infamy in publishing any literature which deals to link these two unrelated things. "(Rudolf Steiner)

" We have seen that when the man pierces the veil of nature and penetrates behind the veil, he encounters destructive beings: beings ahrimanic. In the world order, these beings are first of all bitter enemies of human nature, earthly. When the weakness of binding to them - what can happen as I have shown - it binds to the enemies of the earthly man. It really allied with enemies of the earthly man. And this alliance is greatly enhanced by a relationship of man with the cosmos.

entities that are discovered and behind the veil of nature are smart. They have their intelligence. I've already speaking of human intelligence. Well, these beings think, too, and they have their intelligence, they feel, though here again it differently from men. They perform certain acts that occur outside in natural phenomena, but whose true nature is behind the veil of nature.
But there is a singular affinity between something in the man and the higher faculties of these beings. I would try to explain it. When the man who crosses the threshold of the spiritual world is approaching these things - he has the impression enter into hell or otherwise represents that he is not the issue: what matters is to make this experience a fair idea - that man must first be struck by the high intelligence the extraordinary intelligence of these beings. They are very shrewd and savvy. Thus the strength of their souls is manifested. But these forces of soul which, in turn, are superior forces, are related to the forces of lower nature of man. What are the sensual impulses in man, are among these beings, the superior forces which require so. There is therefore a certain relationship between the forces of the lowest man and forces the highest of these beings. That's why, when entering this world, these forces seek to identify with the lower forces of man's instincts, so they spur of destruction and hatred, or other similar drives, because the spirits in question are up to them what is low in humans. The forces that are acting in their highest through the lower forces of man. You can not really ally with them without debasing its own nature by developing violent lusts. That is a fact that must consider, because it shows how we must represent our relationship with the cosmos. It is in our human nature to base instincts. But these are forces that are of instincts in man. Once these spiritual beings have these same forces, these instincts are superior forces at home. But these spiritual beings always act in our nature: they are always with us [...]

When we enter first in the world without having the slightest idea of all that know insiders - that is to say that there a spiritual world behind both the nature of and behind the life of the soul - and when we fill our desire for high ideals, and when we purify our will in the spiritualizing, this desire ennobled binds to inferior faculties of beings to whom we then we link. There are, indeed, a mysterious link between attraction nobler aspects of our will and impulses and needs less of these entities.
(R. Steiner, The dangers of a materialistic occultism, Paris, 2002, p. 175 ff.)

"What will be fallen into the hands of the Asuras will be irretrievably lost. There is no need for the whole man to become their prey, but pieces of the human spirit will be broken by the powerful asuras.

In our time, the Asuras are announced by the state of mind that exists, state of mind focusing on the only meaning of life, forgetting the real entities and spiritual worlds. Now say that the Asuras induce human temptation is somewhat academic. For now, they dangled image misleading as the "I" is a product of the physical world, they make promises of a theoretical sort of materialism. But later, they darken the sight of men about spiritual beings and powers, this will manifest itself increasingly growing by debauchery, unbridled sensuality with a land invasion. The man will not know nothing and want to know anything more of a spiritual world. He always taught more than the highest moral ideas that are accommodating the animal instincts. It does not just teach that human thought is a modification of an animal faculty, teaching that man, both in its constitution que par tout son être, descend de l'animal, mais prendra ces considérations au sérieux et vivra conformément à elles. Actuellement, personne ne vit encore en accord avec l’idée que l'homme, par essence, descend de l'animal, mais une telle conception régnera absolument, amenant les humains à vivre comme les bêtes, à s'enfoncer dans les pulsions et les passions animales. Et bien des choses qu'il n'est pas nécessaire de caractériser ici, qui se déroulent déjà dans les grandes villes sous forme d'abominables orgies de sensualité dépravée, nous font déjà entrevoir l'infernale lueur grotesque de ces esprits que nous appelons Asuras.”
(R. Steiner, The Ego, the spiritual origin, (16th Conf.), 1909, GA107)

Works written Rudolf Steiner

Introduction to Goethe's scientific works . (1884-1887)
in color processing of Goethe, AND
in the metamorphosis of plants, Goethe, AND
in Goethe, the Galileo of the life sciences, IN

A theory of knowledge in Goethe . (1886), EAR

Science and Truth (1892), EAR

Philosophy of Liberty (1894) , EAR, EN, Paul of Tarsus Edition (1986), PUF (1923)
First Edition Original 1894: Reissue "Philosophisch-Verlag am Goetheanum Anthroposophisher (1983)"
Second Edition 1918: amendments and appendices
Third and final edition (1921) published the life of Rudolf Steiner, the same the 1918

Friedrich Nietzsche, a man struggling against his time (1895), EAR

Goethe and his worldview (1897), EAR

Mysticism and Modern Thinking (1901), EAR

Christianity and ancient mysteries (1902), EAR

Theosophy (1904), AND EAR

Initiation, How to learn about the higher worlds ( 1904-1905), AND

The Akasha Chronicle (1904-1908), EAR

Degrees of superior knowledge (1905 - 1908), EAR

Science of the Occult [in sketch] (1910), EAR AND

Four Mystery Dramas (1910-1913) AND

spiritual guides of man and humanity (1911)

A path to self-knowledge (1912) , EAR

The threshold of the spiritual world (1913), EAR

Clue of Philosophy (1914) , EAR

thoughts during the time War (1915) - private publication.

The Riddle of Human (1916), EAR (For sources of imaginative thinking)

Of Riddles of souls (1917), EAR

The spirit of Goethe in Faust and its manifestation in the Tale of the Snake Green (1918), EAR

foundations of the social organism (1919 and 1915-1921), EAR

Philosophy, Cosmology and Religion (1922)

guidelines of anthroposophy (1924-1925) IN

data base for an expansion of healing art, in collaboration with Ita Wegman (1925), AND

Autobiography (1923-1925), EAR

The major works of Rudolf Steiner include:

The Philosophy of Liberty (1894)
Friedrich Nietzsche, a fighter against his time (1895)
Goethe and his world (1886)
The Education of Children in the Light of Spiritual Science (1907)
Theosophy (1904)
Theosophy of the Rosicrucians (1907)
The Science the Occult (1913)
Four Mystery Dramas - The Wake of Souls (1913)


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