Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A2000 Portable Aviall

Interview Elziere Thibaud (Ohmybuzz!)

Ohmybuzz! is a young site online since early 2007. The purpose of this e-commerce portal is to highlight the best bargains of the moment (called "buzz"), whether online or offline. Based on an algorithm independent of advertising investments traders, seeking to represent Ohmybuzz impartiality in the field of trade by allowing each vendor, professional as an individual, to obtain high visibility if its bid gets a positive response from users. Thibaud Elzière agreed to tell me more through this interview: Olivier

Douard: Thibaud Hello, can you describe the team Ohmybuzz! and functions of each in the project?

Thibaud Elzière: The team consists of 4 people passionate about marketing and new technologies. Ohmybuzz! being a young initiative, each of us has had to assert its expertise in all areas for the implementation of the project and the launch site. Without establishing a shared strict functions, we found good agreement between us. Hugues de Musset is particularly concerned with anything that is communication, marketing and press relations. Eric Marshall is in charge of the administrative and commercial while Jose Arauj took charge of technical development. As for me I'm rather of the party strategy and business development. The business growth will soon force us to strengthen the team with a sales force and a team dedicated to web development is a significant part of the project.

OD: Ohmybuzz ! moved into its new version, online since early March, a search even more local with the increased use of Google Map. Y 'he offers a balance of online and offline Ohmybuzz?

TE: Since the departure Ohmybuzz! is dedicated to providing great local place. Indeed, the primary strategy of Ohmybuzz! which we summarize as "e-commerce for all" is intended to offer to all merchants, having a website or not, the same chance of visibility on the Internet. We want to offer to all merchants, especially the vendor's commercial district through the modest site of e-commerce, equal opportunity to compete with larger ones.

The difficulty of the "Local" is the geographical specificity of tenders, a promotion in a creperie St Nazaire in fact will interest not necessarily a Marseille. The local market became interesting when the number of offers is thus important to provide a comprehensive geographic search. In this sense we have focused on the local in a second time to form before local coverage sufficient. The second challenge remains in the local search, a beautiful site offering a wide range of local offers, it is however, sometimes complicated to find those that interest us. That is why we sought to develop tools for geo-locate the user to directly offer him offers that may be of interest within a perimeter that defines itself . This option called "Buzz close to you" can not make them visible to users that the local offerings that could potentially be of interest.

If the offer is still limited today, the rapid development of Ohmybuzz! we can look to offer a more complete local on France in the coming weeks.

OD: How Ohmybuzz! combines these two very different markets without confusing the user?

TE: There was the issue of Ohmybuzz!, Propose on the same site and local deals online. The challenge is great and I think we have made an initial response even though there are still some fine-tuning angles. By default the search is on all the offers on the site, whatever their type, local buzz is clearly identified and positioned on a map. The user then has the opportunity to directly limit the search la requête aux offres locales ou aux offres online. De plus le moteur de recherche offre la possibilité d’affiner la recherche locale en réduisant l’affichage aux offres dans un périmètre autour de chez soi.

Un petit scoop en passant, la prochaine version d’Ohmybuzz! va encore plus loin, et dans les semaines à venir, nous devrions accueillir un nouveau type d’offres pour se rapprocher de notre slogan « l’e-commerce pour tous » en proposant aussi aux vendeurs ne possédant ni site web ni boutique traditionnelle d’obtenir de la visibilité sur Internet.

OD : Pouvez-vous nous présenter le concept du "Booster" et son importance sur la visibilité an offer?

TE: The principle of Ohmybuzz! lies in the highlighting of the most popular offerings to users allowing only make visible the best offers. On Ohmybuzz! a fantastic offer from a merchant without the marketing budget should be better placed than average bid proposed by a merchant with a big budget. The auction system used on Google Adwords was therefore not recommended as it allows, regardless of the quality of the offer, the richest of merchants to obtain the best place.

We chose a business model to focus the quality of the offer before the trade portfolio. The booster is a voluntary option that increases to a limited extent, the visibility of an offer. The action of the boost the visibility of an offer is limited, an attractive offer without a booster may be found at the top of the results while providing poor also boosted or it will not be visible.

The visibility of an offer Ohmybuzz! depends on several factors including the popularity of it to internet, its initial quality judged by the moderation team, its newness, its exclusivity. The booster is only a component of the visibility that will ultimately decide between the bids in the same interest.

OD: Ohmybuzz! now operates in the United States. There's there significant differences in research and consumer buzz between a French and American? The principle of Ohmybuzz! Is it duplicated in each country or must be highly adapted to each new market?

TE: It's a very interesting question that we faced a few months ago. When we created Ohmybuzz!, It was the first question day having a strong international presence. But we did not want that local operations are limited to translating the site into another language, but rather they are rooted in local culture. So if the concept of Ohmybuzz! can be replicated across countries, we seek and we will always try to adapt to local culture. For example, if the concept of "private sales" is now firmly rooted in France, this is not the case in the United Etas for whom the concept of couponing (discount coupons for use at local businesses) is stronger. Beyond the cultural differences between countries, we also designed and thought Ohmybuzz! to adapt to seasonal patterns (very important in the business) and the fads of Internet consumption.

OD: Thank you very much and good road Thibaud Ohmybuzz!


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