Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Senile Dementia More Condition_symptoms

By RA Boulay

"Literature and the mythology of ancient cultures are full of tales of dragons, flying snakes and other lizards adults. What was this flying creature breathing fire which appears to have coexisted with humans, sometimes as his benefactor, but more often as his executioner?

They were perhaps as fabulous creatures, the product of the fertile imagination of man. On the other hand, it is possible they were the manifestation of something else, whether traumatic events and deeply rooted in its past, that knowledge of their true nature has been removed unconscious. It remains only a memory allegorical.

Many civilizations connect their ancestral roots to such dragons, lizards, snakes or flying. In most cases, they are credited for bringing the benefits of civilization to mankind. Moreover, they are often described as his real creator.

Ancient man described these creatures as superior beings or gods who could easily move through the skies in their "chariots of fire" or "heavenly boats." They usually lived in a "heavenly home" and are often down to disrupt the affairs of man.

The culture is the oldest and most important, that of Mesopotamia, was probably founded by the gods snakes. The colonization of this planet by these creatures is described in one of the most significant ancient documents: the "Sumerian King List."

date of the third millennium BC, this document provides the succession of the kings of Sumer and their successors, the length of their reigns from, what was for the Sumerians the beginning of time when their ancestors came here and "down" to establish several towns on the floodplain Mesopotamia. Calling themselves "Anunnaki," the Proto-Sumerians are credited with having established if Western civilization, that of the World.

Surprising as it may seem, there is much information about these civilizations and the Sumerians, who were later replaced by the Akkadian and Babylonian cultures. Numerous monuments, artifacts and cuneiform tablets that were unearthed recently, it is possible to reconstruct the events that unfolded in early human species.

There are several proofs that were originally derived from the same source but which have been given a religious interpretation of their transmission through channels priestly or religious. From this reservoir of ancient sources that the stories of the Old Testament were derived.

a combination of these ancient sources, both secular and religious, so it is possible to piece together the history of our lineage that is located in the arrival of foreign gods, snakes or astronauts who have colonized Earth ago several millennia.

We discover that our ancestors established a colony on Earth for metals to their planet. In order to process and transport these metals by cargo ship to the mother ship orbiting, they built five cities in Mesopotamia operational. One of them served as a platform for space launch.

The Sumerians called these "gods" the Anunnaki, literally son Anu, their chief god and their leader.
The Anunnaki were an alien race. In reality, they were a race of reptilians. They needed an inexpensive workforce and for this reason, they created a primitive man.
By combining the characteristics of their own humanoid monkey saurian nature, they produced "Adam" from the Old Testament. This Adam was half human and half reptile. However, since he was a clone, he could not reproduce.
As conditions began to change on Earth and the climate dried out, it became necessary to amend the Adam to better adapt to the climate variable. Homo-saurus was changed and they gave him more accentuated traits of mammals. It was the "Fall of Man" where biblical Adam has "knowledge" or the ability to reproduce sexually.

As a result of genetic modification, the man has lost most of his appearance and his saurian nature, her skin shiny and scaly. He acquired the characteristics of mammals: a soft, flexible skin, hair, the need sweating and the ability to reproduce. He was not naked. He must now wear clothing for comfort and protection. For all practical purposes, the man was now a Homo sapiens. Modern man or Cro-Magnons arrived on the scene.

The man was soon populated the Earth as slaves to masters these lizards. It was tested by the astronauts who went down to mate with the daughters of man. Known in the Scriptures as the Nefilim, they did not produce offspring only mixed, but they did experience Genetic gone wrong and produced many monstrous forms.

It was a painful period for the human species, because during that time she served literally food for the gods. It's time for biblical patriarchs and kings of the Sumerian gods.

unrest on Earth was suddenly interrupted by the start of a global natural disaster, known as the Deluge or Great Flood. At that time, the gods retired to their spaceships, leaving behind their offspring perish with semi-divine humans.

After the Deluge, they went down again to build new cities on the plains of Mesopotamia. Even mating with humans, they produced a race of semi-divine beings to govern their empire on Earth. In addition, a race of warrior gods was established in the lands of the Levant. Descendant of the Nefilim, but known by the name Rephaim, this barbaric race persecuted humanity for thousands of years and has not been eliminated as a threat until the first millennium BC

In ancient Mesopotamia, the gods resided in a temple atop a ziggurat, a pyramid-storey high above the plains. They were protected from the public and only a few trusted priests had access. In this place, they ate in secret being surrounded by curtains, so that even the assistant priests can not see them. One wonders if their eating habits were so horrific they had to hide even their servants. Where was that much more sinister?

In the Old Testament, the obvious need for secrecy is constant. During the event known as the Exodus, the deity lived in a tent and has never been seen, again, she never ate in public. Specific guidelines were given to Moses to prepare the food that was left on a grill near the neighborhoods of the deity so that he can eat in secret.

It was forbidden for humans to see. The God said to Moses: "You can not see my face, because man can not see me and live." And this prohibition to be seen by humans is taken to extremes in the Holy Scriptures. It has even become a commandment not to make an "image" in the likeness of the deity.

So not only is it forbidden for a man to see what its like god, but also to make a representation of what he thought. Why this taboo? Could it be that his appearance would be so alien and repulsive that it should be Hidden Man? Logically one would assume that if the deities were also higher than the Scriptures indicate, they would be proud and allow the man to see and copy their magnificence.

Only a privileged few could approach the deities. In Mesopotamia, they were demi-gods, the offspring of the mating of a god or goddess and a human being. These formed the aristocracy, and had to cater to the gods and form a barrier with the human species. Even the demigods were somewhat strange in appearance and probably had some reptilian characteristics. Gilgamesh was the famous example, something odd in his appearance that made it different from normal men. The Patriarchs Bible was also something unusual about their appearance as demonstrated by the absurd behavior of Noah when his son saw him naked for the first time.

According to the tradition of ancient Babylonia, as reported by Berossus, the Babylonian priest who wrote to Athens during the third century BC, the descent of man may rise to Oannes an amphibious creature out of the Persian Gulf to teach the art of human civilization.

Berossus called them "annedoti" meaning "repellents" in Greek. They also referred to as "musarus" meaning "an abomination." Babylonian tradition believes that the foundation of civilization is due to a creature they considered to be an abomination repulsive.

If this tradition was invented, a more logical approach would be to glorify these creatures as splendid gods or heroes. But the fact that they chose to describe their ancestors this way argues for the authenticity of the story.

The reptilian gods Bible was a closely guarded secret, and only a few times it is noticeable in the Old Testament, for example, obvious adoration of "seraph" or "brazen serpent" in the incident during the Exodus.
There is a greater number of references, many of them explicit in the mass of religious literature that form the basis of books of the Old Testament.

opinion is now accepted that the Old Testament has been altered by the transcribers priest. But elsewhere in the mythological literature, not under their influence, there is a different story.

In the Haggadah, the source of legends and oral traditions of Jewish, it is revealed that Adam and Eve lost their "shining and scaly skin" by eating the forbidden fruit.

Gnostics, rivals of the early Christians, tell that to the result of eating the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve gained knowledge, which is in part the recognition that their creators had "bestial forms."

The fact is that we have created God in our image and not the opposite. In this way, we have hidden the true identity of our creators.

Most mythologies and religions of the world refer to their ancestors as flying serpents or dragons who have made arts and crafts of civilization to mankind . The oldest Chinese books, the mysterious "Ching," says the first humans were formed by ancient goddess Nu Kua was a dragon. The Chinese emperors declared themselves descendants of the dragon goddess.

The oldest and famous Hindu classics, the "Ramayana" and "Mahabharata," dealing with man's relations with the serpent-gods who were also his ancestors.
Mythology Meso-American and African tell of snakes and flying creatures like dragons descended from heaven to teach the essentials of civilization.
flying dragons and snakes that are found in ancient mythology were lizards with large legs that also had the ability to travel in their spaceships. How old were they illustrate this, except by giving them wings?
Even the Old Testament says that the serpent in the Garden of Eden was a lizard or reptile as if he had lost his hands and feet as a result of the Fall of Man, then logically He had previously been a snake or reptile with its ends ... / ... "

Source: Undercover


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