Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Stomach Viruses More Condition_symptoms

And this is the end ... Tulum Valladolid

Since I already published photos of Coba, Kohunlich, Xpujil and Calakmul, I still have to advise the Mayan museum in Chetumal, modern, interactive - great with children. And perfect for a final synthesis.

return I also told, Chetumal, Mexico, London and Brussels.

Pictured me in the garden of the Museum of the Inquisition in Guanajuato (which I advise no one worthy of a fairground attraction)

And I'll meet you in my next blog - many know now my next destination: Libya!!

But not for now.

Meanwhile, I'm going back to my blog autobiographical, where I left it in Rajasthan ...

Vegetable/fruit Center Pieces

Tulum is a wonderful location beside the sea transformed into a recreational park, exotic trees, flower beds, pet iguanas, walking trails and romantic ruins (not available), a picture postcard, most visitors take the opportunity to descend on the beach below and swim, so we cross over swimmers in a bathrobe as amateur archaeologists. I do not sulk, however, my pleasure, it was real, it's very beautiful, even if the atmosphere is somewhat artificial - especially the little train Meli style, pulled by a tractor. A good point: no vendor within the site.


A small town whose main interest is a cenote (it's everywhere in the Yucatan) and a convent rosy, whose church has frescoes from the 16th, a visit in a quiet neighborhood quiet eccentric; everything I love, without forgetting the meson del marquez, a superb luxury hotel, restaurant, select, right on the zocalo!

Foot Disorders More Condition_symptoms

The sacred cenotes at Chichen Itza Chichen Itza

Impressive, this water hole in the open air, especially when you know you threw in various gifts to the gods, including humans .. . is achieved by a causeway (known ) paved. Lined with stalls selling bric a brac. Chichen Itza loses his soul for a low-end trade.

Later, a second cenote, just as rough (lots of greenery in the photo, but there are water at the bottom). The topography of this site is truly remarkable. Chichen would be a magnificent city ...

Goiter Causes More Condition_symptoms

Here we are, the most famous site in Yucatan, the latest trend also, to say the there are people! Tourists with a shovel, and almost as many vendors offering their junk junk "one dollar, senora" the trade should be prohibited on the site.

The ruins are impressive and among the best preserved Mayan heritage. A ball of gigantic dimensions (how could they start the heavy rubber ball as high and as far without using hands and feet?), A pyramid called El Castillo containing a red jaguar throne (No Tunnel) , a platform decorated with skulls, another of jaguars, temple of 1000 columns, a pyramid adorned with snakes, an observatory round El Caracol and two superb style buildings Puuc - all surrounded by barriers as well we can not climb or touch. Note that I agree, deliver these antiquities to the public would be suicidal. My big disappointment: the pyramid of warriors and inaccessible farewell photo sublime Chak Mol stands at the top. I did my best with my miserable zoom.

Boats For Sale Richmond Bc

Eruption of volcano Paricutin

I go back ... in Michoacan, not far from Patzcuaro.

Mexico, such as Guatemala, is a land of volcanoes, many of whom are still active. In 1943, the Paricutin (2773m) erupts and engulfs two cities, and San Paricutin Parangaricutirimicuaro (this name can not be invented), leaving only the steeple of the church ... Too bad I lacked the vision worthy of a horror film.

Photos are courtesy of Claire, our correspondent on the spot.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Wooden Rabbit Cage Blueprints

The Mayan cenotes

These water holes or open (like the sacred cenote of Chichen Itza), or deep in a cave, accessible by a staircase slippery you can swim, and even make the cave - after Nicolas Hulot, some interconnected. Well, all this is theory, as you know, swimming is not my thing, let alone at the bottom of an abyss ...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sprinkling Adderall Xr


This is not a hut museum is a house, there are hundreds in the Yucatan, often in poor villages. This is certainly the model of Mayan houses which are found breeding on the walls of Uxmal ...

rating is provided by the modern means of transport. I like this photo.

Dennis Milani Wallpaper


A small city where there is virtually nothing to do and I adored ... Any yellow, including his huge monastery built on a pyramid destroyed. The two pyramids are still visible in the form of mounds made in the wild, walking destination for kids or lovers. A good restaurant does not open at night. Antique horse drawn carriages that you tired to walk along the streets not crushed sun. A hotel where the receptionist is taped to novelas on TV (= series), because there is strictly nothing to do, since I'm the only customer and I ask nothing. A small covered market. Women who wear traditional dress. The streets deserted at night. Police officers who are bored. And passing tourists who spin to Chichen Itza after three photos of the convent.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wireless G Plus Mimo Driver

Laetitia Cuckoo!

Thank you for your message and your info about the Zapatistas! In this connection I invite you to read what I wrote before I left, October 26 - this blog is decidedly Pharaonic mileage and - in the post titled "The Zapatistas" it's true that it is very complicated, but personal I find them quite nice - if not their connections with evangelicals (which I read elsewhere and I do not know if it's true). Anyway it is clear that Indians are the poor relations of Mexico (and other Latin American countries) and it is time to restore justice.

You can see our picture on the message entitled "Coba", published in early December, but I republished. Our meeting is a really good memory.

How are you? Still in Mexico? Have you gone to Guatemala? (If not I would have some tips for you) Tell me your experiences, you can write one of these two addresses

From my side I'm fine, as you see I'm diving into my blog, but already I'm preparing the next journey: it will be .. . LIBYA!!

Hugs Virginia

Location Mariner Outboard Shop Edmonton

capital of Yucatan, Merida is a sprawling city traffic crazy, noisy and crowded. Of course the usual colonial buildings, cathedrals, mansions, convents. Fine museums. A picturesque market. A lively zocalo. I did not really like.

Two photos speak for themselves ...

Sarcoma More Condition_symptoms

Merida Hotel in Merida

Two blocks from the zocalo, this little gem while a facade length banal and blind leaves no guessing! A haven of peace in a city of noise and dust ... the evening truly magical!

Treating Anemia More Condition_symptoms


Yazcopoil is one of those luxurious haciendas completely ruined by the end of the production of sisal - rope from the agave, some kind of cactus. The synthetic has been there. Some properties have been converted at great expense in luxury hotels - most have been abandoned; Yazcopoil pathetic is a museum of bygone industrial era and the yellow of the life of the great landowners of the past, employing hundreds of of workers - should I write operator? Guided tour by a former worker ...
Note that the gate colonial style inspired clearly the arc Maya!