Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Goiter Causes More Condition_symptoms

Here we are, the most famous site in Yucatan, the latest trend also, to say the there are people! Tourists with a shovel, and almost as many vendors offering their junk junk "one dollar, senora" the trade should be prohibited on the site.

The ruins are impressive and among the best preserved Mayan heritage. A ball of gigantic dimensions (how could they start the heavy rubber ball as high and as far without using hands and feet?), A pyramid called El Castillo containing a red jaguar throne (No Tunnel) , a platform decorated with skulls, another of jaguars, temple of 1000 columns, a pyramid adorned with snakes, an observatory round El Caracol and two superb style buildings Puuc - all surrounded by barriers as well we can not climb or touch. Note that I agree, deliver these antiquities to the public would be suicidal. My big disappointment: the pyramid of warriors and inaccessible farewell photo sublime Chak Mol stands at the top. I did my best with my miserable zoom.


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