Monday, January 4, 2010

Nickel And Dime Life Insurance

Uxmal Kabah El dia del

Even the most jaded travelers are amazed by the ruins of Uxmal! A riot of stone mosaics, finely carved, geometric or representation of the god Chak; buildings stretched lengthwise around with pyramids, a city with harmonious proportions and majestic ruins of the elegant and refined. Never seen anything like it, so beautiful to the eye, we forget the sacrifices humans.

This does not spoil anything, you can walk and climb everywhere except on the pyramid of the seer, whose summit is the open mouth of the god Chak (the god of rain, high demand in this region)

I have not failed to climb the Great Pyramid of 32m (with a little practice it is more a feat)

Choose some pictures is a dilemma ...


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