Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wireless G Plus Mimo Driver

Laetitia Cuckoo!

Thank you for your message and your info about the Zapatistas! In this connection I invite you to read what I wrote before I left, October 26 - this blog is decidedly Pharaonic mileage and - in the post titled "The Zapatistas" it's true that it is very complicated, but personal I find them quite nice - if not their connections with evangelicals (which I read elsewhere and I do not know if it's true). Anyway it is clear that Indians are the poor relations of Mexico (and other Latin American countries) and it is time to restore justice.

You can see our picture on the message entitled "Coba", published in early December, but I republished. Our meeting is a really good memory.

How are you? Still in Mexico? Have you gone to Guatemala? (If not I would have some tips for you) Tell me your experiences, you can write one of these two addresses

From my side I'm fine, as you see I'm diving into my blog, but already I'm preparing the next journey: it will be .. . LIBYA!!

Hugs Virginia


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