Monday, February 28, 2011

Panera Coupons Michigan

Allah does is not obliged to Ahmadou Kourouma

The narrator is Birahima , an Ivorian boy, 10 years approximately, which recounts his wanderings through African countries at war, hoping to find her aunt in Liberia . Her mother has just died. It was his only family and he is orphaned, abandoned entirely to himself. Soon he meets Yacouba , a so-called witch doctor, who accompanied him on his journey. Civil war rages and to save their lives, they must commit to Colonel the Good Dad in his National Patriotic Front of Liberia . Yacouba becomes a child soldier who never leaves his weapon. Her life becomes hell!

Paper punch for sure, that I have just finished for Blogoclub . My analysis is thus in place, without real setback and I'm maybe not very objective.
I do not even know if I liked it or not. In any case, it would not let me indifferent. I'm still blown away by the difficulty but also the strength of writing, and by distancing taken with the facts recounted horrific: this is humor in horror. Despite
everything is a form of malaise that dominates me in closing this book: admiration and fatigue have succeeded. I enjoyed the first chapters but my interest was lost in the end, drowned in the repeated violence by tribal warfare. I wanted it to end. I found it hard to follow political events. I miss him too much knowledge about what really happened to easily track the progress of the measures mentioned here.
What is certain is that I'm not about to forget Birahima this child-soldier committed such horror, Kalashnikov in hand, but has suffered many misfortunes himself from his birth to his disabled mother has disowned it by denouncing it as a witch - what he s is always charged thereafter.
I feared that systematic use of four dictionaries for the words to explain and simplify the reading.
I was surprised by the incantatory language, this phrase constantly repeated that doubles as a title, as if it were a prayer or a magic formula: "Allah is not obliged to be fair in all these things down here."
Everything here borders on the irrational, excessive, hell. Heavy, heavy, heavy! I am weighed down by this reading.
What is left for me is that feeling of having read the story of a journey into the horror in Africa.

Allah is not obliged of Ahmadou Kourouma , Côte d'Ivoire, Editions du Seuil, August 2000, 233 p. Price Renaudot 2000, Prix Goncourt schoolchildren 2000, Price Amerigo Vespucci, at the International Festival of Geography . I participate in the reading of Blogoclub Sylire HERE and Lisa Here

Software Convert Sdhc

Goodbye Annie Girardot Claude Sarraute

She was 79 years old, this morning when she left. But she was really there for a while now, since that nasty Alzheimer had reached 860,000 as other people who are suffering right now in France of the same disease and by chance I am immersed in the book by Christine Orban on the same topic: "The country of absence"
Annie Girardot has long been my favorite actress since I saw her for the first time in "Rocco and His Brothers" . There followed many other appointments!
I will keep her memories of her last television appearance, courageous and smiling, with her daughter, even though she knew it was the last When she appeared in public.
Goodbye and thank you. "

Last image: in Rocco and His Brothers, of i Luchino Visconti (1960)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Filmy Online Brzydula 7

Laurent Ruquier, Before forget you all!

This book comes in the form of a pseudo interview prepared for years and embodied in the 286 pages of a paperback book. On the one hand, Ruquier Lawrence, a star presenter, well known, in full operation on all fronts: radio, television, theater, books, and whatnot? It is everywhere. You can hear and see the morning and evening, here and there for years. I listened a lot in my car after work. As such, it is a little part of my life. This is probably why I've put in my basket without much hesitation, the last time I crave a bookstore! The interviewee is

Claude Sarraute , her friend, often present with him in his broadcasts. Journalist
which I appreciated very much the little scathing paper on the last page of the World, in the 80's, I like it by his good humor and offbeat side, brave, both preppy and unworthy old woman of 84 years.
His life is reviewed, typically, biographically: the first child and it is by far the chapter that interested me most, particularly the long passage where Claude, daughter, This Nathalie's mother.
Question: His work was published in the Bibliotheque de la Pleiade in 1996, so his lifetime, which is rare, right?
Answer: If she had known that Duras would be there too! To she, Marguerite Duras, this was not literature. Just pulp fiction, love stories ...
It's like the French Academy, as you say that Mom would have loved to be the only woman admitted under the Dome, but once Yourcenar was the first, it was over, he should no longer talk about it! Even though they have never thought ...
It also would have liked Bernard Pivot invites herself to "Apostrophes" or "Bouillon de culture" - he had done for one-Duras Issue nothing with it. I asked Mom why not pivot? He replied, "I do not understand what she writes! "

The next chapter: " Three marriages, children, lovers' I did not quite follow. I held it once was married to the son of Tristan Tzara , the father of Dadaism and then with Jean Francois Revel , journalist, writer, philosopher and academician ( Max Gallo now occupies the same chair 24) The
Following describes his work as a journalist, his popularity, relations with the band and its Ruquier news now that she lives alone, no husband, no lover, no children, with a few friends, a sort of butler who watches over her daily, some cancers, champagne, cigarettes and newspapers ...

I read this book very quickly because that is how it is done, to be read quickly. He had this endearing side to the ring of truth and optimism that emerges but this aspect too irritating a superficial overview 80 years of life. Between sunsets and gossip, it often touches the reviews people! It was a choice, although the role of public figure Claude Sarraute. We must be able to know her better while entertaining the gallery .. I am not bored!
Claude Sarraute, Laurent Ruquier , Before forget you all! (I've read, Editions Plon, 2009, 286 p)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Yamaha Bike Birthday Cake

Dawn illuminates Victor Hugo, Sunday poetic

Aurora lights, thick
Shadow flees;
Dream Will
and mist which is the night rose

eyelids open and half-closed;
From waking things
can hear the noise.

Everything sings and mutters,
Everything speaks at a time,
Smoke and greenery,
nests and roofs;
The wind speaks to the oaks,
water fountains to speak;
All breaths
Become vote!

All resumes his soul
The child's rattle, his home
The flame
The lute his bow;
Madness or insanity,
Worldwide immense
What Everyone starts
or we love
Constantly restless,
Towards a supreme goal,
All flies away;
The boat is looking for a mole,
Bee old willow
Compass pole,
me the truth!

The songs of twilight , 45, Victor Hugo (1802/1885) Photograph 1: Alain Michaud

Gastric Carcinoma More Condition_symptoms

Mom, Isabel Alonso

I often cry at movies but never read a book, at least I do not remember. This would be the first time? Apparently, and I am the first surprise! In terms of "Clouds" , page 208, when flies, high into the blue sky the plane to Madrid, which carries the precious burden mother to be buried near his family home, the emotion 'm was shedding tears.
Nothing is more exciting than this story of a mother whose health is declining, which treats time as a family then we entrust to an institution, living lived as a descent into hell, we back to the house and disappears just as one has left for a few days. The pain and guilt at not having been there at the last moment is overwhelming. This will be my summary of the book because this is essential for me. The rest is history of a particular family, that of the author. It's touching, interesting and well written.
Needless to say more: this book of its kind, is a success!
Mom, Isabel Alonso , novel, Hasta siempre (H & Publishing loise Ormesson, 2010, 247 p)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Sports Hernia More Condition_symptoms

John Grisham, Theodore Boone, child and vigilante

said Theodore Boone Theo, age 13, only son of famous lawyers, has one ambition: to become judge in turn . Besides his dog he called Judge not? He spends all his spare time - and a few hours hooky too - to attend the court rooms of the city where he made many friends even among senior judges. Laws and customs of this community have no secrets for him. That's why his classmates often use its expertise in the event of divorce or eviction from their parents. Now that's a celebrity in his college classmate and a very appreciated.
So when a large criminal trial opens in this small quiet place, he does not miss its opening and has even managed to get tickets for his class and his teacher.
This trial is high profile because it is the wife of a prominent city which was strangled in his own house and the supposed murderer is none other than Pete Duffy, her husband. However, as no evidence against him, it is expected the acquittal but that does not rely on the presence of Theo who received the confession of a witness to the last hour. Everything would be simple if the latter, a paperless threatened with expulsion, he had not been promised not to appoint
The dilemma for Theo is as follows: to break his promise to pay or allow a murderer .
is a book for 10/15 years, optimistic, efficient and for once without excessive violence, no vampires, no ghosts, no fairies in fashion. The hero student is a loner but that attracts sympathy as it is full of good will and passion for the world of law. the trial seemed very interesting. I am also very entertained by reading this story, obviously a little light, probably a little easier because the target audience but quite well done. A very positive reading which pushed me towards youth of my acquaintance that I want to thank.
From the author, a specialist in legal thrillers, I had enjoyed the last game and it says a lot of good The Firm or The Pelican Brief , and films that have been learned

THE liked Burnet also , Sophie , about books

John Grisham , Theodore Boone child and vigilante (Oh Editions, 2010, 268 p) Translated from English (United States) by Emmanuel Pailler , young adult novel. This is my first participation in the challenge Marion

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Types Of Arthritis More Condition_symptoms

Sunset pink and crimson, quote from John Muir

August 23, 1869
Sunset pink and crimson, followed shortly by the appearance stars, the moon rose with the most imposing majesty, just above the Mount Dana. I strolled through the meadow in its white light. The shadows of trees, black as jet, were so wonderfully distinct and seemed so strong that on several occasions I have raised high the foot to step over them, taking them to the branches burned and blackened.
A Summer in the Sierra of John Muir, p.206

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Is Cm Like Before Period

paint on the shore of Anneli Furmark the BD Wednesday

This album is the autobiography of youth Anneli Furmark, the Finnish designer who like this in a prologue to a page, black and white:

" Rereading my old newspaper gives me cold sweats. Is what I was really close to my shoes? And so focused on myself? On the political front, I probably never live more times as turbulent. And it does not appear in these newspapers. Instead, 90% is dedicated to my love complicated and 9.9% in art. World affairs are hardly mentioned. "

In 1990, Helen left Stockholm for a small town in northern Sweden. She spent a year in art school second class. She doubts many of her own, just break a link it is trying to forget and sets some rules:
1: Work every day. Going to school by bike every morning and return in the evening
2: Do not associate with anyone from work and no holidays! Rirn that can distract me from the art.
3: Become the best. In the spring, be accepted in one of the best art schools and from here.
4: I will never become a landscape painter. I'll do art, real art that makes sense.

Naturally, all the promises will not be held and the year will be rich in relationships and love learning as well as artistic. At first hesitant about his sexual orientation at the beginning of her stay, she learned more about themselves and grow stronger, so she doubted herself. A year full of surprises so!

At first, I liked all the history all the drawings myself repelled then I got used to and I finally enjoy some boards on watercolor landscapes. The portraits, they remain very rude and always in black and white on bright colors
All however beguiled me and I finished with interest and sympathy evoked by the story this young woman determined to find his way despite his doubts and weaknesses. Nothing to do: that's really what kind of comics I like.
Top of Yaneck = 15/20
paint on the Shore of Anneli Furmark published by Actes Sud - L'An 2, 2010, 166 p

Participate BD Wednesday Mango:
Benjamin, Choco, Dolly Emmyne , Estellecalim, Hathaway,
Hilde Hérisson08, Irregular , Jerome , Kikin , Lounima, Lystig, Manu , Margaret, Matilda , Mo ', Noukette , Sandrounette, Sara, Theoma , Valerie, Vero , Wens, Yaneck , Yoshi73, Mr Zomb i

New participation to challenge Palsèches of Mo'la fairy to that of Mr. Zombie and Top of BD Yaneck, and this time the Challenge Women of Comics Theoma

Monday, February 21, 2011

Minnehaha County Property Title

Man Ray, Portraits, Paris-Hollywood-Paris Centre Pompidou

is a very big, very big and very beautiful work, those that refer, on this album portraits by Man Ray at his two visits to Paris, before and after the Second World War.
I spent three hours with him at the library, without noticing. I just wanted to browse initially out of curiosity and because it is a photographer that I like. Again my attention was been attracted by the following information, written presentation of this voluminous book: "This collection is located between that of Nadar for the second half of the nineteenth century and the studios for post-Harcourt War. "
Therefore, how can you resist?
however I soon realized that this was not necessarily the best photos and most successful showing that attracted me but those people already encountered through my readings
Here those who have the more emotion:

Sylvia Beach (p80) in his famous Paris bookstore, "Shakespeare and Company" , opposite to that of Adrienne Monnier ( "The House of Friends books ") It stated that there was selling more!

Rene Crevel to 1930 (1900/1935), surrealist poet, moving, died very young. Very elegant here with tie and jacket.

Marcel Duchamp and his tonsure star (p 126)

Leonor Fini and his cat who seem both wear the same fur. (P 140)

The death mask di Modigliani different from his photographs. This

another Proust in 1922. Man Ray did not know the author and had never seen but Cocteau asked him to take this picture of Proust on his deathbed without publishing. The photograph will be published in some Newspapers, however, but without the name of Man Ray

A Cocteau different from the mundane recent years that I knew mostly far.

also moved me all the portraits of people in sight at this time and disappeared shortly after being deported. Thus
than Sonia Mosse (1917/1943), actress and artist who was close to surreal with Agnes Capri cabaret lesbian, "Capricorn" , opened in 1938. It is shown with Nush Eluard , the companion of Paul Eluard .

Man Ray said "This is the human face that interests me. Whenever I see a face that I find interesting, I like the photograph. "

Man Ray portraits, the Paris-Hollywood- Paris, Centre Pompidou, texts by Man Ray, 500 of the finest portraits of Man Ray, especially between 1624 and 1640, in Paris; taken in the famous studio of Man Ray, 31, a, Rue Campagne-Première. Preface by Alfred Pacquement , Director of the Museum of Modern Art. Editor Chéroux Clement, Clement Chéroux Texts and Quentin Bajac . Cover: Dora Maar in 1936 (detail)

San Antonio Brazilian Wax

One Monday among many other daily or haphazard

Zaza and Krys want to know today what our little joys of every day.
Fortunately there are several but the one I remember is the morning walk in the park Castle, near my home. Although this is the same route every day, almost always at the same time, it is never the same. Everything is new every morning: the sky, the time, the prairie grass but I never miss my two appointments rituals: the hello to the ponies and horses sleep standing still and the birds that s' warn of a tree to another unwelcome just arrived. Sometimes the soil is dry, sometimes very muddy and walking is not the same, sometimes the dogs are leashed and sometimes freedom and these, I monitored the corner of my eye because while some are a little crazy! Then come the joggers, walkers, and groups of children from surrounding schools. Then it's time to go.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Leg Numbness More Condition_symptoms

Gap in the Clouds Chi Li

Jin and Xeng form an exemplary couple and happy to everyone. Almost forty, are both research engineers at a major university in Wuhan In central China's today. She is beautiful, intelligent, helpful and modest, he is industrious, sober, faithful lover and colleague copy
For 15 years their lives are uneventful, only marred by the lack of children. "Their life was that peace, tranquility and calm of existence wise to banality."
One evening, however, their life changes. They agree to participate in an alumni reunion Nothing distinguishes this event from others, apart from this sentence added in pencil : "If you're not afraid that your wife finds what you were snotty and if you are not afraid to show off an ugly girl, she was admitted."
The evening goes as planned, full of laughs and exchanged memories, but when she returned home, the young woman is transformed and will never be the same. "Certainly, there had been something special."
Courted, she talks and dances with a lot of people. Now she will talk and a lot about her husband in the evening after work. Their life becomes hell.
During the day, nothing changes in their behavior and no one will suspect anything but at night the tension between them becomes dramatic denouement to the very surprising. The reason this has happened. Some acts can not forgive himself.
I liked this story, which has a single default for me, it being too short and too early to stop. I wanted to know more, learn more about the underside of the things I really appreciated however that this is a story of a couple universal, those who can happen if nothing is known of the "Childhood and Adolescence spouse! no question here of exoticism or regional stereotypes. The feelings are the same everywhere in a modern world where everything goes so fast!

've decided I'm going to read this book with another writer from the same publisher. I'm spoiled for choice.

  1. Who you think you are?
  2. Premeditation
  3. Rising Sun
  4. You're a river
  5. Sad Life
  6. A good man in every respect
  7. The Sentinel wheats
  8. The show life
  9. Gap in the Clouds, Chi Li (Actes Sud, 1999) translated from the Chinese novel by Isabelle Rabut , and Shao Baoqing.114 pages.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Make Your Own Wersler

You will not believe Louis Aragon

You will not believe you ran that girls
I saw a young man whose heart beat bare
When I tore your shirt and you either
You will not believe old player manila

a shell cut in half through the
For once he had a set of thunder
And You are the tattooed former legionnaire
you survive long without a face without eyes

We share God knows where it is the bad dream
It will slide along the line of fire
Somewhere it starts the game no longer
The fellows out there waiting over

Roll Train rolls off afterglow
The soldiers nodded as dance shake
Keeps you lean their forehead and bend the neck
It smells of tobacco and wool sweat

how you look without seeing your intended
Betrothed of land and promised pain
The night you made the color of tears
You Move your legs loosely sentenced

Already stone think where your name fits
Already you're not a word of gold in our streets
Already the memory of your love fades
Already more than you are to have perished

You will not believe of Louis Aragon , sung by Leo Ferré
Tables Oskar Kokoschka, Zadkine and John Lavery : Cemetery Oppi .

Birthday Songs In Arabic

If I can help the Heart Eating is a pleasure. Constantin Brancusi

This is not a sponsored ticket even if the transaction is initiated by well-known brands!
Going on several blogs including the "My opinion interests you" , who rightly outraged by this situation, I saw an operation of collecting food from the restaurants of the heart will take place on 4 and 5 March.
I decided to participate by posting on my blog this post which engages Danone and Carrefour to fund 10 meals.
Bloggers, insert the image into a ticket by mail and contact the restaurants of the heart that your action is counted:

Cleaning Car Headliner

Decidedly I 'm much fun with these little graphics of Google! The
Today is to celebrate the 135th anniversary of the birth of sculptor Constantin Brancusi , born February 19, 1876 in Romania and died in 1957 in Paris.
"He opened the door to the sculpture and the surreal minimalist movement of the 1960s"
Some of his works including the famous kiss, photographed by ; Ötli , turns blue.