Sunday, February 27, 2011

Filmy Online Brzydula 7

Laurent Ruquier, Before forget you all!

This book comes in the form of a pseudo interview prepared for years and embodied in the 286 pages of a paperback book. On the one hand, Ruquier Lawrence, a star presenter, well known, in full operation on all fronts: radio, television, theater, books, and whatnot? It is everywhere. You can hear and see the morning and evening, here and there for years. I listened a lot in my car after work. As such, it is a little part of my life. This is probably why I've put in my basket without much hesitation, the last time I crave a bookstore! The interviewee is

Claude Sarraute , her friend, often present with him in his broadcasts. Journalist
which I appreciated very much the little scathing paper on the last page of the World, in the 80's, I like it by his good humor and offbeat side, brave, both preppy and unworthy old woman of 84 years.
His life is reviewed, typically, biographically: the first child and it is by far the chapter that interested me most, particularly the long passage where Claude, daughter, This Nathalie's mother.
Question: His work was published in the Bibliotheque de la Pleiade in 1996, so his lifetime, which is rare, right?
Answer: If she had known that Duras would be there too! To she, Marguerite Duras, this was not literature. Just pulp fiction, love stories ...
It's like the French Academy, as you say that Mom would have loved to be the only woman admitted under the Dome, but once Yourcenar was the first, it was over, he should no longer talk about it! Even though they have never thought ...
It also would have liked Bernard Pivot invites herself to "Apostrophes" or "Bouillon de culture" - he had done for one-Duras Issue nothing with it. I asked Mom why not pivot? He replied, "I do not understand what she writes! "

The next chapter: " Three marriages, children, lovers' I did not quite follow. I held it once was married to the son of Tristan Tzara , the father of Dadaism and then with Jean Francois Revel , journalist, writer, philosopher and academician ( Max Gallo now occupies the same chair 24) The
Following describes his work as a journalist, his popularity, relations with the band and its Ruquier news now that she lives alone, no husband, no lover, no children, with a few friends, a sort of butler who watches over her daily, some cancers, champagne, cigarettes and newspapers ...

I read this book very quickly because that is how it is done, to be read quickly. He had this endearing side to the ring of truth and optimism that emerges but this aspect too irritating a superficial overview 80 years of life. Between sunsets and gossip, it often touches the reviews people! It was a choice, although the role of public figure Claude Sarraute. We must be able to know her better while entertaining the gallery .. I am not bored!
Claude Sarraute, Laurent Ruquier , Before forget you all! (I've read, Editions Plon, 2009, 286 p)


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