Monday, February 28, 2011

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Allah does is not obliged to Ahmadou Kourouma

The narrator is Birahima , an Ivorian boy, 10 years approximately, which recounts his wanderings through African countries at war, hoping to find her aunt in Liberia . Her mother has just died. It was his only family and he is orphaned, abandoned entirely to himself. Soon he meets Yacouba , a so-called witch doctor, who accompanied him on his journey. Civil war rages and to save their lives, they must commit to Colonel the Good Dad in his National Patriotic Front of Liberia . Yacouba becomes a child soldier who never leaves his weapon. Her life becomes hell!

Paper punch for sure, that I have just finished for Blogoclub . My analysis is thus in place, without real setback and I'm maybe not very objective.
I do not even know if I liked it or not. In any case, it would not let me indifferent. I'm still blown away by the difficulty but also the strength of writing, and by distancing taken with the facts recounted horrific: this is humor in horror. Despite
everything is a form of malaise that dominates me in closing this book: admiration and fatigue have succeeded. I enjoyed the first chapters but my interest was lost in the end, drowned in the repeated violence by tribal warfare. I wanted it to end. I found it hard to follow political events. I miss him too much knowledge about what really happened to easily track the progress of the measures mentioned here.
What is certain is that I'm not about to forget Birahima this child-soldier committed such horror, Kalashnikov in hand, but has suffered many misfortunes himself from his birth to his disabled mother has disowned it by denouncing it as a witch - what he s is always charged thereafter.
I feared that systematic use of four dictionaries for the words to explain and simplify the reading.
I was surprised by the incantatory language, this phrase constantly repeated that doubles as a title, as if it were a prayer or a magic formula: "Allah is not obliged to be fair in all these things down here."
Everything here borders on the irrational, excessive, hell. Heavy, heavy, heavy! I am weighed down by this reading.
What is left for me is that feeling of having read the story of a journey into the horror in Africa.

Allah is not obliged of Ahmadou Kourouma , Côte d'Ivoire, Editions du Seuil, August 2000, 233 p. Price Renaudot 2000, Prix Goncourt schoolchildren 2000, Price Amerigo Vespucci, at the International Festival of Geography . I participate in the reading of Blogoclub Sylire HERE and Lisa Here


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