Thursday, February 17, 2011

I-catcher Console - Web Monitor Pool

Caricatures of writers ancient and modern

Always open in pleasure to read and reread John Irving , I came across a caricature by cartoonist English. I find it excellent and I wanted to continue to find others. I had some nice surprises!

At any lord honorably:
1) John Irving seen by Russ Cook

2) Jules Valles, 48, of Gill
and Courbet
(Museum of the City of Paris)

3) Emile Zola

4) Victor Hugo by Daumier

5) George Sand

Seeking other caricatures of writers, I came across this fabulous blog to the drawings of an artist full of talent: the ergastulum He caricatured many writers including this one for example

Another good blog designer that everyone has probably already know except me! The addict in desperate need Blachier Lawrence and his cartoons, including that of Patrick Rambaud for the World

There are surely many more but this time My little tour stops here for lack of time!

And you, in your turn, caricatures of writers, do you know of others who you like? ;


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