Monday, October 15, 2007

Chest Cold More Condition_symptoms

Interview Mikael Bodlore-Penlaez (Point BZH)

We talked some time ago , several associations Breton supports the establishment of an Internet extension linked to the promotion of Breton culture (the. Bzh for "Breizh "Which means" Brittany "in Breton). Thank you to Mikael Bodlore-Penlaez - Association Point BZH - for agreeing to explain the underside of such a project.

Douard Olivier: A few months after the launch of the petition for an extension to clean the region of Brittany, the debate he suggested? The popular movement has met your expectations?

Mikael Bodlore-Penlaez: The petition has garnered over 15,000 signatures, which is important for an online petition. Through this action, the mobilization was very strong. As we hoped, the Britons First, have invested in this project and these signatures (including artists and politicians) are in evidence. Not only people susceptible to Breton culture which have signed but many Britons thought it was interesting that the award could have a specific extension to the Breton community. Then communities voted in favor of vows. Bzh which Brittany has taken a large part in the action, offering to participate in financing part of the file. Thus, in combining the energy of several actors (Point BZH, Christian Ménard, a member finistérien invested in this project and obtained favorable responses from Nicolas Sarkozy - before he was President - and François Fillon, Britain Forward, a Breton association that bears the project and soon realized that a feasibility study funded by the Brittany region) that. bzh may be able to see the day because the road ahead is still long. The allocation of extending the Internet is not a whim but must be reasoned, financed and economically viable.

OD: Is it possible to estimate the cost of creating and maintaining a extension such as. Bzh? How Point BZH activates to find the money?

MBP: It is difficult to assess at this time the total cost of such an operation. Is understood according to some sources in amounts ranging from 40 000 to 80 000 € to file the case to ICANN, see if one takes into account the costs. For this reason the first step is to conduct a feasibility study that will evaluate these costs. For in addition to filing the record, it is well to assess the economic viability of a new extension to the Internet. If the. Bzh is created, it will be necessary for users interested in buying it for their website or use it to their address e-mail. We must therefore create or rely on an ad hoc structure for operating the extension. This will also have a cost.

OD: What are the strategic points studied by ICANN before confirming the activation of a new extension?

MBP: ICANN ensures particularly the viability of the project. In addition the project must meet specific criteria. For. Bzh example, it is not an extension for an extension of Britain but for the Breton community. Ie a person living outside of Britain will buy it. It is therefore an open vision of Britain question ... When we talk about sustainability, it is economically viable. ICANN does not create extensions for nothing.

OD: After Catalonia (the lucky recipient. Cat this year), like other English provinces of Galicia and the Basque Country seem interested in creating their own extension. Brittany she has no interest in advancing those occasional allies? Other French regions are they likely to make such efforts?

MBP: The Catalans have greatly helped the Britons in this process. In particular Amadeu Abril i Abril, former director of the Foundation. cat who immediately offered to guide us. When Breizh Touch, event promotion of Brittany in Paris organized by the region, Mr. Abril i Abril came to explain how the Catalans have started their operation, which incidentally took several years to emerge. The Catalans have created this extension for the Promotion of Culture and the Catalan language and it works very well. Likewise, other communities want their extension, which seems normal. Welsh, Scottish, Galician or Basque. UK Prospective who works at the project appraisal has already attended a meeting in St. Jacques de Compostela (Galicia) to discuss the matter. There is great interest in the collective play of Britons in this area. Other cultural and linguistic communities could be tempted by the experience. Occitania example. Thank you and Olivier Kenavo.

OD: Kenavo Mikael!

And since we're on the subject, I would like to announce that the highly efficient email service video , has opened its new version available in 8 languages including ... Breton. ;-)

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Alopecia Treatment More Condition_symptoms

Interview Frederic Lambert (Buy-Less-Expensive) Show

The fair comparison shopping on the Internet has been questioned by a few months ago an investigation by the DGCCRF stigmatized the lack of transparency on the part of the whole sector. Frederic Lambert, head of Buy-Less-Cher , explains the implications of this survey on the image comparators and transparency policy of Buy-Less-Expensive.

Douard Olivier Frederic, a few months after the investigation of the DGCCRF, how is the market of price comparison?

Frederic Lambert: I do not know how are other price comparison sites. For our part, Buy cheap is well, despite a slight decline in early spring that I can not award more to this investigation as presidential elections are traditionally a bad time to trade: consumers tend to postpone their large equipment purchases. What I know is that it was bad in terms of image. We received a lot of disparaging remarks acids or our users. Thus, there was indeed a very negative effect on the industry. From a standpoint of our CA, our success continues unabated this year with an increase of 44%) last year. We closed our accounts in late June from one year to another. Our revenues are primarily based on a percentage of sales, 1.2 million euros in sales that we achieve in 2006/2007 (against 740,000 for the year 2005/2006) of commission on all sales made through us. These committees show that millions of users have used our service, compared prices and bought in substantial savings.

OD: In the conclusions of the investigation of the DGCCRF, Buy-Less-Cher was the only French and compare prices to be found blameless in transparency. How the speech-Less Buy Cher stands there other comparators?

FL: Buy the cheaper price comparison is independent, neutral, class and compared the selling price of the cheapest to most expensive, new products available to buy online from merchants secure and reliable french web. Our speech is always the same since 1998: we are on the consumer side, we provide a service that strengthens vis a vis sellers. We are transparent, our actions reflect our words. We do not fooling our users. I think all the comparators have the same speech, but actions do not follow. The survey is the proof. I must add that today the term is overused comparison: many systems are closer to the buying guide or mere listings that have nothing to do with the price comparison as we practice it. Buy cheap

was "free" shops from 1998 to 2000: after the Internet bubble burst, revenue from advertising no longer allowed to pay employees and improve the system that requires hard work daily. We then moved on a model that has nothing to share to do with PPC: A shop that sells nothing pays nothing. I saw many small shops ruined by unscrupulous competitors "to click, and it continuously. Our system allows these shops to be present and to not pay that result. I must add that some companies are "click-here because they want to. They do not want to disclose their sales and sometimes, for sellers who have large shopping carts, the click may be more interesting than the percentage. This represents roughly 10% of our turnover, 10% also for advertising and 80% for income percentage on sales.

We have about 100,000 visitors a day, 3 million per month. It would take at least 10 times the traffic to get enough income to live only Adsense style advertising. Some new competitors claim to be free but it's just the lie: it is not possible for a true price comparison. It should have 100% market share in France and again, it would not be enough.

You should know that the real price comparison requests a work of "matching" it is impossible to do it automatically. We can repatriate info in crawl sites but not sufficient, we must "matcher", this whole business is at this level. We have developed a system combining the automation to manual labor to provide the best information to our users and it works. The fact

to pay a percentage also has positive effects we can put pressure on shops that behave badly towards buyers. We remove or suspend regular shops unconscionable that practice cavalry you buy, you are charged and are delivered only six months after ... This is unacceptable. Free systems without control, end up with spammers top of the list who drop false information about the price for the trafficking. Frooggle the U.S. who is on a push system is facing such problems: the first Prices are often false. We must constantly be on guard and not to trust the shops ... The limit of completeness here is: should he keep a shop indelicate or delete? Should we show the price of "cheaper" if there is one chance in two that the buyer is not delivered? We think not.

OD: This distinction can it become a strong selling point to users?

FL: On the Net, as elsewhere, a reputation is gradually and through use. I think we've always kept the same policy: our real customers are our users, not the shops Online. We hope to have the trust of our users. Transparency is, I think, even more necessary on the net than in traditional societies. The Google example is striking: they do what they say and do not favor a large group over small boxes. Everyone is on equal footing. C is what I like from the outset on the net.

Thank you Fred!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Plans For Laundry Stand

e-commerce: it left

Better late than never, do not forget to register for the show hosted e-commerce by The show begins this Tuesday, Sept. 11 and continues Wednesday and Thursday with many conferences. Beyond that, the great interest of this event is an opportunity to meet many people in the shortest time, to compare certain solutions, discover new ones while making some nice games. Free registration on the site of or via this affiliate link: Registration salon e-commerce September 2007. I would unfortunately not the game, good show at all!

Thanks to the team of Sam and Tatiana Gonzales Bernaille for the organization.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Autism Causes More Condition_symptoms

E- local business: What potential?

E-commerce continues to grow. Every month new services are created, new areas are explored, new jobs are created and new trends are emerging. For several months, e-commerce is very interested in local search. The idea is simple: combine the strengths of the Web channel to the pragmatism of the offline. Complementarity is observed more often. Ohmybuzz (one of whose creators Elzière Thibaud, had agreed to meet my questions a few weeks ago), launched in January 2007, aims for example to be the reference site to carry on the same site business online or offline. For online merchants, the interest is to use a highlighting innovative and low cost. For merchants offline Ohmybuzz offers new prospects for development without investing heavy sums in developing an online presence. Visibility on the web that goes completely against conventional services online before formatting such as comparison shopping or sponsored links for which presence is dependent on budget allocated to the Web channel.

is a trend, more and more sites now offer the confrontation of players online and offline, as individual professionals. The offer is so comprehensive and responsive to the request if there is a geographic criterion. In the U.S., Krillion (quoted in a ZDnet article on e-shop) intends to revolutionize the local e-commerce by allowing an easy way (double application: object + code Search zip) to find the best prices near your home. French side, initiatives abound. Lokalize builds on the tremendous potential for geo Ebay sellers of auction website (the founder Pascal Levy-Garboua was also brilliantly explained in his blog Lokalize potential and the e-commerce in general local ) Chronodrive a great success in areas where the site is deployed ... To name a few and pending Krillion French?

E-commerce proximity seems to have real potential. This is a growth possible for e-commerce classic. One way to convince the remaining skeptics of the benefits of the Internet in a procurement process, an ideal combination to enjoy the advantages of online and offline. Another trend in action, the adoption of new areas of Web channel as real tool for promoting and selling offline (catering, real estate ...). Feel free to read the blog Regis Dabo whose editorial line revolves around this theme.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Streaming Online South Park Fishsticks

Interview David Alexander Berrebi (BestVentes)

Comparator BestVentes moved past few weeks a new version of its website. The opportunity for me to ask some questions to David Alexander Berrebi, founder of the comparator alternative and complementary tools to conventional online comparison.

Douard Olivier: Hi David Alexander, can you briefly introduce the project BestVentes? What is the purpose of the new version of the site?
David Alexander Berrebi : was established in February 2006. In fact, we assumed that we are often uncertain about a purchase and that the choice of other consumers will naturally direct our purchasing behavior (as did the top 50 in music). BestVentes will therefore continuously present the best sales are made at online merchants realized through specific partnerships with them. The new online version, not yet quite completed, was beyond change graphics, enhanced news as well as product descriptions more detailed. By August, more features will be presented.

OD: How important you think the criterion "best sellers" in the choice of a product by the user? Do you judge this criterion relevant to all sectors?

DAB : Actually, this criterion varies by product category. For cultural products such as DVDs, CDs, books, video games as well as ticketing, the consumer will often relied solely on the top sales and therefore purchases by users to choose their product. In contrast, most high-tech products, and LCD Digital Photo , it is quite normal for consultation with a top sale is not the only deal. The consumer usually consults the top sales only after reading tests to "reinforce" its purchase or verify that this model is "hot." Better
sale may also reflect a good deal. In this period balances, discounts on many products have enabled some to figure in the first place podiums sales. BestVentes has allowed visitors to quickly find products not to be missed during this period in several stores.

OD: Technically, there BestVentes assurances that the XML feeds of every e-retailer matches its top sales? Some merchants he refused to forward this information and what do you propose their arguments to convince them to participate?

DAB : Many merchants wanted to send flows manuals weekly features made their statistics. We of course refused this kind of data. Only the top performing sales merchants updated in an automated fashion are integrated. We also made a template which the dealer draws to create the stream. If we proposed to our party "filing" of the CPC (or cost per click), we would surely be more difficult to convince them. However, the fact of their having secured a "zero risk" being paid only on sales, led to cross that not all XML stream is not long to achieve. In addition, we had the chance to start to have big retail partners, which has clearly been a help to get new ones.

OD: Do you think the online comparison tools is often summed up in a strict comparison of the price? What major trends are emerging future you think the market comparators?

DAB : The market comparators has not experienced major revolution since its existence. There are however several months that many actors bring new added value through the extraction of new information such as tests of magazines or review products being among online merchants. Consumers are further along in their purchasing decision, which is a definite plus. Comparators, however, should in my opinion enrich their sites with a specific editorial content and to totally objective.

OD: Thank you very much David Alexander and good continuation à ton équipe!

EDIT [16 mars 2007]: En plus de son positionnement en tant que guide d'achat se basant sur les produits les plus vendus en ligne (qui a d'ailleurs été etoffé via l'apparition de nouvelles rubriques et un nouveau partenariat avec un comparateur spécifique au high tech), est désormais également fournisseur de contenu auprès des agences de presse et des magazines papier et en ligne.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Game Shark Pokemon Silver

10 tips for ... 2.0

Puisque la blogosphère apprécie beaucoup en ce moment les accroches type "The 10 tips for ..." (me first with " Top 10 reasons not to choose that SEO agency ") and that beyond the attractive appearance of these titles, this information the merit of being clear and educational, I would like to list in this post a few fellow specialists in their field:

- 5 tips for searching and analyzing keywords
Arkantos Consulting
- 10 Tips for Starting a blog by professional
- The 15 golden rules of Pinko marketing Visionary Marketing
- The 10 salient innovations of e-commerce for the last decade by
Philippe Chouraqui
- 6 tips to improve SEO Articles by
Henri Labarre

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Parathyroidism More Condition_symptoms

services of the daily

A small chain is currently touring the blogosphere to make a point about 2.0 services more widely used. An initiative on the blog of the agency personnel consultant Altaide for which Sylvain Lambert (an excellent blog Webmarketer ) sent me the witness. Nevermind the definition 2.0 and consider a "Service 2.0" as facilitating the transmission of information, interactivity and collaborativité under (very) wide.

To work:
Google Docs & Spreadsheets - Formerly Writely and spreedsheets

For inquiries and ensure:
Google News

To manage my network:
Linked In

To connect: Skype

integrated Gtalk Gmail

For Blogging: Typepad


If I think of the many notes written on the subject, some services almost always come back like Netvibes, Skype and LinkedIn and Viadeo two networks.

I pass the torch to Lionel whose blog My life in 2.0 fits perfectly to the subject.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Diabetes Type 2 More Condition_symptoms

Ergonomics: awareness

Returning briefly on the record, the Journal du Net about the developments anticipated in e-commerce during 2007. Using figures from Benchmark Group, it is possible to draw some major trends in e-commerce today.

's time to ergonomics widening the gap over other traditional concerns of those involved in e-commerce. In other words, room for improvement in the rate of transformation. Having jumped on the Web and not having now settled comfortably into the logic of the channel, e-merchants are now seeking to optimize their interface to facilitate the transformation of their visitors.

Ergonomics is essentially a very broad term. The Ergonomics Society French Language offers a clear and adaptable to the problems of electronic commerce. Ergonomics, thus contributing " design and evaluation tasks, labor, products, environments and systems to make them compatible with the needs, skills and limitations of people . Adapted to an e-commerce site, ergonomics takes the form of all shipping services, merchandising, product knowledge and more generally of high quality information.

Ergonomics is therefore required for two years in the manners of e-commerce to the point of becoming one of the most strategic. Considered of secondary importance in the early golden years of e-commerce, e-merchants are aware of the issue to have a site dealing with ergonomic Customers / clients increasingly demanding as more and more Connoisseurs procurement online.

Another interesting fact of this graph, the appearance of loyalty in the heart of the "projects" priority of e-commerce sites. Loyalty likely candidate for the podium in the coming years, following a logical budget stabilization efforts in exploration web.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

I-catcher Console- Web Monitor

Tiburce Quentin Interview (e-TF1)

Customer Manager for e-TF1, Quentin Tiburce agreed to answer some questions about the market for affiliation and the role of account manager. So there is no confusion, specify that it exists in TF1 two business entities selling advertising space on the Web.

- TF1 Publicité , related agencies media buying and communications agencies, is in charge of selling formats (IAB standard formats published by the International Association dedicated to the optimization and promotion of interactive advertising) and Rich Media to all types of advertisers.

- Shopping E-TF1 device that sells a packaged solution to advertisers and e-tailers e-tour: Part Shopping but also mini-shops built into every page of

Douard Olivier: Hi Quentin. As head of customer e-commerce, how you would judge the sector affiliation? Conversely, what are the advantages of one model to display CPM (Cost Per Thousand)

Tiburce Quentin: Hello Olivier. The affiliation is part of the 3 models used by advertisers (Affiliates / CPC / CPM) as I'm concerned, it does not compete with the model that we practice, because, aside editor, the choice of economic model of a site depends on many variables and in particular the ratio of cost of production of the content / audience.

Membership is restricted to sites of small or medium in which the content does not cost expensive to produce. Most media sites of significant size are CPM or CPC (There are certainly examples that contradict this decision, but I do not mind).

Anecdotally, the operative shopping e-TF1 has been almost 7 years and is sold per thousand since its inception. In 2003 (yes, that date!) We conducted a one month trial with the affiliate program on one of our 30 advertisers: the results were somewhat encouraging as time consuming and inflexible. However, working simultaneously with thirty advertisers e-tailers, we can not know precisely promotions and seasonality of each. Advertisers knowing them, that's why we trust them and they can through the back office to change their bids in real time.

Our current economic model is the CPM. The CPM is virtuous for the advertiser because it guarantees a volume display, so visibility ensured. In return for this model prompts the advertiser to optimize their designs and work its offer if it wants to achieve good returns. It is a model that rewards creativity (agency or the advertiser) and, ultimately, is more profitable than short-term vision.

With CMP, value creation is not only the price variable but on the broader marketing, brand, reputation. I am convinced that, in a rather sneaky, affiliation allows for branding cheap for some advertisers e-tailers. It hurts to end the image of the advertiser because it loses control and support sites that disseminate its message or its offerings, it can be picked up on sites / blogs / forums that distort its initial marketing strategy. On and other media sites, the content is quality. For example for the info: There are journalists who publish 24 h/24, 7 days / 7 new papers, videos, podcasts ( ), editorial content is constantly updated, that is why users keep coming back and rely on large sites. Associate its brand with a strong editorial site as a cost, but long-term benefits are far greater than can be generated by those operations of the type affiliation.

OD: Can you describe the process of shopping for an advertising partnership portal How much time can elapse between the first contact and on-line?

QT: The process partnership e-commerce is relatively short: it's actually a classic sales cycle. This is called "partnership" because some of those prospects into customers satisfied and loyal, contracts last for several months and then run over several years. We offer a value-added advice because over time we see further than on targets in the short term.

Below the description of the partnership process: When a prospect is interested in our solution, we negotiate with him three variables: the volume display, the duration of the operation and finally the segmentation chains / Products / target.

Then we ask for simple items to be delivered (at a minimum of 50 characters text and video) it only takes 30 minutes to create the account for that customer, to provide access to back office stats / Modification of Bids and upload . It is flexible, simple and fast.

OD: Is it possible to draw a profile of clients wishing to communicate over e-TF1 Shopping?

QT: The criteria for segmenting our customers are: They are all e-tailers B to C. Firm size is not significant, there is everything, because even a small budget provides significant visibility buys if it is segmented. This even with a lower share of voice. I'll

illustrated by an example: this winter, a small e-retailer has made a very successful operation by being present for 3 months on a small portion of the site of Star Academy but with products tailored to the internautat of this site (young fashion). He then capitalized on this experience by optimizing the device much shopping on other targets once the star ac completed, fetching of other targets in line with its brand on the site (weather, etc. ...). In

our clients so there are small companies from two or three small traders on niche markets in this case, the partners are both managers of companies or associated technical side.

Conversely we also work with actors' heavy weights and / or historical "distance selling and e-commerce. In this case, the partners are highly specialized marketing managers on the acquisition, ROI, keywords, etc.. there is often the council agencies.

A big thank you for your questions, I hope I was clear enough.

OD: It is I who thank you for taking the Quentin time to answer my questions! See you soon!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hyperglycemia More Condition_symptoms

10 reasons not to choose that SEO agency

An interesting post on the blog of agency Relaction highlights 10 major reasons why an advertiser should be wary of discourse referencing agency who offers his services. Small translation:

1) "This is our first page pack warranty! The agency SEO (Search Engine Optimization) presents a pack 100% guaranteed. Even more serious, and fortunately increasingly rare, according to the staggered billing guaranteed positioning.

2) "We do not doorway pages, they are landing pages (input). The blacklisting of BMW in 2006 due to spamdexing example is the most newsworthy.

3) "SEO is a matter of a few meta tags." The third reason seems to be quite rare. This shows an ignorance on the part of the agency of the main criteria of optimization.

4) "We recommend that you spend 95% of your budget on pay-per-click. It is unreasonable summarize the SEM (Search Engine Marketing) sponsored links. The complementarity of natural search and sponsored links is real, do not put all your eggs in one basket.

5) "sponsored links to pay-per-click are 100% controllable." Despite a traditional auction system, ad sponsored links take into account other criteria than the mere listing (including click-through rate). As for SEO, it is difficult to guarantee an exact position for the sponsored links. Detailed item on the blog The Dating good.

6) "With us, you will be well positioned in 15 days! . The SEO does not allow this kind of affirmation. We must then ask the right questions: The agency does speak of major search engines? Queries on what the agency is committed? These queries are they really strategic?

7) "We deal as research tools. Once the visitor on your site, it is no longer our responsibility. " A quality SEO agency will offer advice beyond optimization in search engines to build a more coherent overall strategy including entry pages have effective and relevant in connection with queries.

8) "Yes we are a web agency but if you want we can take care of your optimization. SEO is a full-time job that requires expertise. Any agency can not be improvised Web SEO.

9) "You'll need to do any work on your website." Obviously false. The optimization passes (large) part of the site itself. In both the website structure and content relevance.

10) Relaction appealed to everyone to complete the 10th item. For my part, I would insist on monitoring, not mentioned in the first 9 points. SEO is a constant work, the SEO agency should not settle for optimizing a time without taking into account T T +1. Information clear and transparent monitoring allows the advertiser to better take into account the SEO in its budget decisions.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Butterfly Sayings Weddings

"Enter gift"

Lentschener Philip, chairman of the Publicis network France, on Monday gave a very interesting discussion at Figaro. In conjunction with the publication of his book "The Journey of the price," Philippe Lentschener back on the "phenomenology of Price" and its direct impact on marketing and communication. "The concept of price has become difficult to read" begins there, taking for example the rise of low cost and discount stores, causes a profound change in the relationship between product and consumer. "In this relationship to brands, the price is a key component." It is undeniable that today, hard discount is present in most sectors. Lentschener the link between the development of discount and the web by the fact that consumers are increasingly informed and qu'aujourdhui, as can be read more often, it takes power.

Article takes an interest when Philip Lentschener discusses the role of marketing in the fight against this escalation of low cost. "Going into the gift," he recommends, like the telephone industry was resigned to trivialize the gift of the phone to accept the lump-raising. Relatively rare, the gift is indeed a good way to change the relationship of the brand with consumers. The gift here is a powerful example to show that brands need to innovate in terms of relationship with their customers. "Brands need to understand that they are engaged in a long journey. They must do take the relationship with their consumers, they enrich it. "

Like Philip Lentschener, Echoes take the example of luxury to image integration to the product of a culture and investment in the brand image. A set that allows this sector does not see its price be challenged and to be one of the least competition from the low cost. Strong margins and loyalty to the rendezvous.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A2000 Portable Aviall

Interview Elziere Thibaud (Ohmybuzz!)

Ohmybuzz! is a young site online since early 2007. The purpose of this e-commerce portal is to highlight the best bargains of the moment (called "buzz"), whether online or offline. Based on an algorithm independent of advertising investments traders, seeking to represent Ohmybuzz impartiality in the field of trade by allowing each vendor, professional as an individual, to obtain high visibility if its bid gets a positive response from users. Thibaud Elzière agreed to tell me more through this interview: Olivier

Douard: Thibaud Hello, can you describe the team Ohmybuzz! and functions of each in the project?

Thibaud Elzière: The team consists of 4 people passionate about marketing and new technologies. Ohmybuzz! being a young initiative, each of us has had to assert its expertise in all areas for the implementation of the project and the launch site. Without establishing a shared strict functions, we found good agreement between us. Hugues de Musset is particularly concerned with anything that is communication, marketing and press relations. Eric Marshall is in charge of the administrative and commercial while Jose Arauj took charge of technical development. As for me I'm rather of the party strategy and business development. The business growth will soon force us to strengthen the team with a sales force and a team dedicated to web development is a significant part of the project.

OD: Ohmybuzz ! moved into its new version, online since early March, a search even more local with the increased use of Google Map. Y 'he offers a balance of online and offline Ohmybuzz?

TE: Since the departure Ohmybuzz! is dedicated to providing great local place. Indeed, the primary strategy of Ohmybuzz! which we summarize as "e-commerce for all" is intended to offer to all merchants, having a website or not, the same chance of visibility on the Internet. We want to offer to all merchants, especially the vendor's commercial district through the modest site of e-commerce, equal opportunity to compete with larger ones.

The difficulty of the "Local" is the geographical specificity of tenders, a promotion in a creperie St Nazaire in fact will interest not necessarily a Marseille. The local market became interesting when the number of offers is thus important to provide a comprehensive geographic search. In this sense we have focused on the local in a second time to form before local coverage sufficient. The second challenge remains in the local search, a beautiful site offering a wide range of local offers, it is however, sometimes complicated to find those that interest us. That is why we sought to develop tools for geo-locate the user to directly offer him offers that may be of interest within a perimeter that defines itself . This option called "Buzz close to you" can not make them visible to users that the local offerings that could potentially be of interest.

If the offer is still limited today, the rapid development of Ohmybuzz! we can look to offer a more complete local on France in the coming weeks.

OD: How Ohmybuzz! combines these two very different markets without confusing the user?

TE: There was the issue of Ohmybuzz!, Propose on the same site and local deals online. The challenge is great and I think we have made an initial response even though there are still some fine-tuning angles. By default the search is on all the offers on the site, whatever their type, local buzz is clearly identified and positioned on a map. The user then has the opportunity to directly limit the search la requête aux offres locales ou aux offres online. De plus le moteur de recherche offre la possibilité d’affiner la recherche locale en réduisant l’affichage aux offres dans un périmètre autour de chez soi.

Un petit scoop en passant, la prochaine version d’Ohmybuzz! va encore plus loin, et dans les semaines à venir, nous devrions accueillir un nouveau type d’offres pour se rapprocher de notre slogan « l’e-commerce pour tous » en proposant aussi aux vendeurs ne possédant ni site web ni boutique traditionnelle d’obtenir de la visibilité sur Internet.

OD : Pouvez-vous nous présenter le concept du "Booster" et son importance sur la visibilité an offer?

TE: The principle of Ohmybuzz! lies in the highlighting of the most popular offerings to users allowing only make visible the best offers. On Ohmybuzz! a fantastic offer from a merchant without the marketing budget should be better placed than average bid proposed by a merchant with a big budget. The auction system used on Google Adwords was therefore not recommended as it allows, regardless of the quality of the offer, the richest of merchants to obtain the best place.

We chose a business model to focus the quality of the offer before the trade portfolio. The booster is a voluntary option that increases to a limited extent, the visibility of an offer. The action of the boost the visibility of an offer is limited, an attractive offer without a booster may be found at the top of the results while providing poor also boosted or it will not be visible.

The visibility of an offer Ohmybuzz! depends on several factors including the popularity of it to internet, its initial quality judged by the moderation team, its newness, its exclusivity. The booster is only a component of the visibility that will ultimately decide between the bids in the same interest.

OD: Ohmybuzz! now operates in the United States. There's there significant differences in research and consumer buzz between a French and American? The principle of Ohmybuzz! Is it duplicated in each country or must be highly adapted to each new market?

TE: It's a very interesting question that we faced a few months ago. When we created Ohmybuzz!, It was the first question day having a strong international presence. But we did not want that local operations are limited to translating the site into another language, but rather they are rooted in local culture. So if the concept of Ohmybuzz! can be replicated across countries, we seek and we will always try to adapt to local culture. For example, if the concept of "private sales" is now firmly rooted in France, this is not the case in the United Etas for whom the concept of couponing (discount coupons for use at local businesses) is stronger. Beyond the cultural differences between countries, we also designed and thought Ohmybuzz! to adapt to seasonal patterns (very important in the business) and the fads of Internet consumption.

OD: Thank you very much and good road Thibaud Ohmybuzz!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Excessive Thirst More Condition_symptoms

RichMedia Marketing Forum few weeks after Forum e-marketing , organizes another event related to the first course, but much more specialized : Rich Media Marketing Forum. The themes of the conference to be held April 3, 2007 in Paris La Defense are related to the famous Rich Media Services. It is possible to define rich media services such as the convergence of different media types (image, sound, video ...) to improve the interactivity with the user. This personal definition does not include notions of RIA (Rich Internet Application) or interfaces. More simply, the rich media services represent the evolution of Internet advertising and new opportunities offered by both the emergence of new technology development and growth advertising budgets allocated to online marketing.

Rich Media services are especially revolutionary in that they allow companies to adapt their communication to advantage by creating closer to relay marketing objectives of image and reputation of companies. The possibilities are extensive, each company now has the cards to make campaigns faithful to its culture, its client portfolio and its future aspirations for its development. The relation Website / Internet user has also evolved in parallel with the development of services Rich Media since the campaigns are based mostly on interactivity where the user is in an approach of action and participation. It also seems obvious that these new communication standards have greatly contributed to the sustained growth in recent years of membership and even more buzz marketing or viral marketing, where accommodation services and video cameras are often relays precious.

This digression aside, the conference organized by Rich Media Marketing is free (booking affiliate banner below). A "village rich media marketing" will also be open throughout the day so that the partners of the event can implement real solutions.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Port Royale 2 Cd Patch

Joost: the successful 2007?

Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis, already known to have launched Kazaa and Skype, now targeting the Web TV. Convinced that television and the Internet have untapped compatibility, the two men and their team have been working for several months on "the Venice Project "since renamed soberly" Joost. "Our name May Have Changed, purpose o Sami's the vision - to Bring You TV Wherever and Whenever You want it, free of restrictions Of The schedules and subscriptions .
The concept is both simple and revolutionary. Joost offers TV where you can see a range of programs. It is therefore not (at least for now) live program. The number of channels is set to become very important following the public launch expected in the coming months (Joost is currently in Beta, I thank Thomas Friol passage for the invitation). There are currently, music channels, National Geographic, a few series TV, the World Poker Tour ... No download is possible, but all programs are online. The Joost interface is very nice and graphically successful. Little more than Joost, the menu "My Joost" which allows you while watching your TV program to add some widgets for example to take notes during your viewing, note the program or to scroll bottom of the screen the latest news from RSS feeds you have set yourself. There is also an opportunity to discuss with others watching the same program.

If Joost is a project currently enough confidence on which the founders hardly communicate, the buzz at the approach of the official release of the software continues to increase since the launch of the Beta in December 2006. A communication strategy more classic allows both to maintain a cult of rare and offer a real return of user experiences by testers. Distribution of invitations to the beta dropper to feed a well-oiled mechanical viral and very effective.

level economic model of Joost, it seems to be based both on an advertising model and a model fee. Regarding advertising, already present in the beta test, it should be limited and well below the conventional television model. For the pay model, it will affect only a part of the curriculum and will also pay the publishers. A great majority of programs remain free viewing. Joost has everything to really revolutionize the market for Web TV, including support of strategic majors like Viacom (MTV, Paramount ...).

demonstration video on YouTube:

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Post Viral Fatigue More Condition_symptoms

Interview Jean Sébastien Cruz (MonVoyageur)

My Voyageur is a community based around the e-tourism . Launched in January 2007 and by providing users with many features (blogs, wikis, ratings, hosting videos ...), my traveler is defined as "the first site travelers. Jean Sébastien Cruz, the founder was kind enough to answer my questions.

Douard Olivier: Jean Sebastien Hello, can you show us how did you get the idea you get into the e-tourism?

Johann Sebastian Cruz: It's actually a very old idea! I use Trip Advisor or Virtual Tourist from 1997 to 1998. During my travels abroad, I was often forced to finally buy a guide on the spot and I am very quickly that there was something to do at this level. We started working on the project since September 2005! We had our team (which is also remained almost unchanged until today) and we built a very solid technical architecture to withstand the load increases that will occur in the site with accommodation including video. We launched it on 13 January and began to connect since early February. Today, we are really surprised by the very good start. The community is built gradually and there are twenty blogging every day. We also receive a warm welcome on the side of industry professionals.

OD: MonVoyageur plays the card of the participatory web. The wiki is the collaborative tool par excellence and my traveler is also a unifying blogs encouraging its users to become "blog trotters. According to you, the visitor, before purchasing and e-tourism in particular, is there any advantage to trust his fellow surfers as specialized sites?

JSC: The economic structure of e-tourism is headed: a part on e-commerce, while the other party is facing the board and it is precisely here that we want. Many people want to sell a product (classified by type of offer) and thus engage a battle on price. The other market is played more on the service. Today, users still want to find the right information. They have lost faith in the messages of some prefabricated "specialized sites," where everything is too good to be true. Only the truth of interest. Right now, there is much talk of social networks ... MonVoyageur is one! The trip is an important moment in life, we do account not more than one or two a year, without exception. The preparation is very important and users increasingly appreciate the feedback from real experiences. I no longer believe in the vertical information of conventional journalism. Today, everyone must participate in the information to make it more fair and representative. Peer review of consumers becomes more and more natural for users.

OD: How to avoid turning to blogs that some settling?

JSC: It should obviously be careful not to go to settlement account, however, we must provide users with true information! Information is a multi-center, holds his own and everyone can share it. Our users are looking for the truth. If someone is disappointed with his trip, we also give him the keys to let him say so and thereby prevent the community. Of course, we have an editorial line, we want quality comments and for that, everything is moderate. We check all the most virulent, we will contact the agencies, the hotels in question ... We do not hesitate to post a comment particularly aggressive he seems honest. If they are ripped off, people have the right to terminate!

OD: MonVoyageur seems to be primarily intended to form a community. When is the collaborative platform will switch to a model e-commerce?

JSC: We're not sellers! If you want to do our job, we should not sell. We might not be objective. Our model is a mix of Trip Advisor, and MySpace Trip connected. We will be a natural business provider for travel agencies. MonVoyageur on, we leave the possibility for users to go to tour operators. This is already the case today and we hope very soon to improve integration. I strongly believe in advertising models! When we mounted, a media model, people do not believe in us. At the time, it was inconceivable to build a business model based on advertising. But good media draw their game ... TripAdvisor is for example 15% of sales of Expedia.

OD: Innovating in a market maintaining exceptional growth rates, can we have a new idea the next available MonVoyageur on short and long term?

JSC: You can not say anything but there are lots of developments! We will refine our offerings to include such rentals (ski, for example) and by expanding our range of hotels. We're still in Beta, there are many things to improve! The ultimate goal is to become the first site for travel advice. There are no major competitors in this market, there is room to move by developing new features in the interests of our users. Tour operators are also waiting for sites like MonVoyageur. They yet are forced to make non-targeted advertising on the major general portals. In this sense, the United States are a good example. There, there are a dozen sites like MonVoyageur and they are even segmented.

OD: Thank you very much Jean Sebastien and see you soon!

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Blunt Power Wholesale

Lagardère full course on digital

" We are entering a phase of rationalization and development of digital . It is through this heavy sentence consequences that the new boss of Lagardère Active Media Didier Quillot spoke in announcing the plan to revive the newspaper group. Save 70 million euros per year (including reducing its workforce by 7 to 10% worldwide) to become "a leader content online and cross-media . Some newspapers belonging to the Group are also set to exit. A strong sign that symbolizes the turn taken by the Lagardère Group: put the press titles adaptable to the Web channel.

The urgency is real. Only 1% of total turnover group comes from digital. To achieve the objectives between 5 and 10% by 2010, Lagardère knows he will develop a priority its flagship titles offline having had outdistanced the web. The most striking example being, press title success, yet few representative on the Internet where sites like Aufé have seized the early market opportunities.

Awareness seems in any case and movement are deep in the direction of a full course to digital. Asked by VuNet the paradox of Lagardère who has "a" fifty websites cons over 250 newspaper titles, Danielle Attias (consultant on new media research firm Greenwich Consulting ) evokes a late in digital development group ("On each segment Lagardère meet the competitors, the media group is distanced ") who happens to be in conflict with the first activities of Lagardère Internet (creation of Club-Internet since resold Online since 1996 ...). The difficulty of a traditional media group be transposed to a new channel where the expectations and constraints are different.

How is reflected today by Lagardère willingness to play the card of digital? Firstly, through acquisitions. Buying NewsWeb (editor, ...) reveals the group's desire to acquire skills in the development of digital media. Secondly by using innovation to each of its titles online. For example, video and audio podcasts, widgets, RSS have become part of daily Europe1. Com. Thirdly it will follow the transfer of Lagardere Active advertising (LAP) and Interdeco, ad group, having proven themselves in offline channels (including capturing a third of radio listeners) and now to grow on the Web obtaining advertising management of a portfolio client representative (, excellent cultural site, has entrusted its advertising to LAP).