Thursday, May 6, 2010

Blepharitis More Condition_symptoms

Optimization Natural?

Like many site owners you go hunting for this top position still elusive search engines. All want, but few, of course, may have.

The first thing you should realize about the ranking of search engines is that it can only be ten websites in the ten main results for each keyword. It's ten sites among thousands or even millions!

But this should not stop you in your attempts to gain access to the famous "top ten"! The trick is to first reduce the field gambling

This is achieved by the fact narrow your choice of keywords, as before. Instead of positioning the tag "writing", you might choose a more focused area, such as "creative writing" or "how to write."

By choosing a keyword more focused, you have significantly cut the competition for the ten main squares and increase your chances of appearing in its first results.

Then, you use the same optimization techniques. Verify that the HTML used for your pages is clean. Use meta tags, and verify the presence of keywords in the anchor of your links. Use bold for some keywords in your content, your shares in H1, H2, H3 and of course, check the overall density of keywords, I remind you of the quota between 2 and 6%.

I am giving you some tools available on the Internet:

This site is in English but it offers many free tools including a "keyword density checker that allows check the density Keyword:

• If you do not create the Meta tags, here's a handy form generator form will the generate code form which you simply insert into your tags and source code of your page:

• A site that also offers free and paid tools in English, to improve optimization for search engines, including a fairly that allows you to compare the density of keywords at 2 sites:

You must also ensure that you constantly update your site and add content. Remember that search engines are on the lookout for fresh content and relevant. The more you put your site up to date more he will be visited by Google and your site will appear their living and therefore irrelevant.

But this is still not enough. The next thing you need to do is work your off-page optimization. You need links pointing to your site and one-sided. These are links that you do not exchange.

You get these links by visiting popular blogs, leaving comments that are appropriate to the original message and of course, add a link to your website in your signature.

This represents the basics of natural optimization. Other things can be added in addition. Take advantage of free tools on the Net to constantly improve your pages. Then, once you're reached a site, transform your knowledge into a work habit. Your sites will be positioned course for themselves and you will spend much less time.

The King David


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