Monday, May 3, 2010

Port Royale 2

And why not use Facebook for business?

Facebook est d'abord devenu populaire en tant qu’outil principalement destiné soit à retrouver ses vieux amis ou à rester en contact avec les nouveaux soit pour rencontrer de nouvelles personnes. En réaction à la folie de MySpace plutôt destiné à une plus jeune génération, Facebook s'est plutôt tourné vers un public légèrement plus âgé. Beaucoup de personnes considèrent toujours Facebook comme un site Web strictement convivial et uniquement utilisé à des fins sociales. Il remplit toujours très bien cette function, but Facebook can also be a useful tool to help build your business.

Here are five ways to use Facebook to Build Your Business

1. Facebook Pages, Facebook The professional pages are special pages for businesses. When you create a page on Facebook pro, you use it as a sign for your business. Put your logo, pictures, applications and other information related to your company. Everything you post on your page professional, Facebook will automatically show News in your profile page, thus exposing you even more. In addition, people can become "fan" of your Facebook page professional, and it will be shown on their own homepage, it reinforces even more visibility.

2. Groups - Another feature of Facebook very useful to advertise your business is based on "Groups". Groups are not built around a sole proprietorship, but are actually a virtual place of contact for people or companies like that. This will enable them to unite and connect together on issues related to their interests or domain.

3. Polls (polls) - A great way to promote your business is to show that your service is excellent. By showing your customers and prospects you are interested in their opinions and needs, you prove them they are important to you, and build confidence. On Facebook, you can do surveys and then you can ask people what they expect from you. Through a survey on Facebook, you can gather information and demographics, it allows you to better target your market for a more effective marketing.

4. Facebook Connect - This Facebook application is particularly suited to marketing your business on Facebook. With Facebook Connect, you can combine your Web site directly with Facebook. This allows users to authenticate your Web site with their Facebook credentials so they can find friends who are also on your website and publish information of your site on their Facebook profile. Like all their friends are, your network marketing ramifies and extends.

5. Facebook applications - Facebook is known for its applications that are all fun and versatile tools for different users communicate with each other. You can use applications on your Facebook Pages Facebook professional to give your visitors widgets and stuff related to your business or your target market.

For example, if your target market, for example, between men 25 and 35, they find applications related to "Montreal Canadians" or other sports teams. Your visitors can then register and receive the latest statistics and news from local teams. If your target market housewives looking for work at home, it is likely that applications for work Moms well for your page.

The number of software developers creating new applications for Facebook is increasing daily, so you are certain to find one perfect for your business. By providing an appropriate application to your professional page, you encourage your friends to visit frequently and stay longer when they really stop there, increasing their perception of your brand and can lead to more traffic on your website.

It is clear that Facebook has developed a fantastic compromise between purely social network starts and this powerful networking tool for dealing with this at the very top of the ladder on social media. Open your business to all your friends (and friends) and vice versa! Using this method of promotion and marketing for your business regularly attract more visitors to your website and it totally free. Go ahead and give a face to your business: make surface on Facebook.


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