Wednesday, May 12, 2010

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What do you build your business using a blog?

You started a business blog to advertise, promote and market your business? You post your blog twice a week or more, but now you wonder if people read your blog? And if read, appreciate what they tell you?

Blogging offers an advantage and differs from a traditional web site with your readers the opportunity to make remarks and comments.

Blogging is an important branch of the movement of social networks that are now found everywhere on the net. Your business blog is a communication tool bilaterally. Social networks are attractive for they provide opportunities for interaction among people around the world.

The blog comments allow interaction.

The social side of media such as blogs lies in the "leave a comment. The comments left on the blog are the way for readers to give their views and ideas about a post. While a blogger to prefer the "leave a comment" out of service, most bloggers will agree not only reviews, but encourage them.

The comments are proof that what you wrote has arrested someone so much that it led him to react. When you start to hear comments on your blog, treat them with the respect they deserve. A comment on a blog is the equivalent of a response in conversation. The vast majority of readers of the blog will never take the time to comment, so when someone makes, it is important to consider and respond.

Once your blog starts receiving a lot of comments, it is not always possible to answer everyone. Your readers will certainly recognize that you interact with them - or, conversely, if you do not bother with. Encourage conversation with comments and responses on your blog is a great form of marketing.

marketing your business on the Internet requires that you establish a relationship. Because your prospects and customers will probably never meet you in person, build an online relationship is extremely important. This will enable them to learn more about yourself and have confidence in you.

Leave comments on other blogs to increase your visibility.

You can also promote your business by making comments on other popular blogs. Scour the Internet and you will find business complementary to yours. Go to blogs that are not necessarily direct competitors, but in similar niches and mail them the information interesting and useful comments.

For example, if you operate a plumbing business, do not limit yourself to only post comments on blogs of other plumbers. Instead, post on blogs, DIY or building. So you can really bring useful information to a conversation without imposing on the blog of another plumber. People who read a blog DIY appreciate your comments about "for or against the placement of a double tap instead of a simple" but will have another plumber skills necessary to provide the same kind of information to its readers.

While you could certainly add your comments to a blog specializing in your field, you will get much better feedback by posting blogs on a topic close to yours. Readers of blogs tend to be loyal to the blogs and follow some regular basis. If you comment regularly and offer good information useful and relevant, they will see your faithfulness too, which says more about your character and enhances your reputation as an expert in your field.

"Follow the link"

Many blogs have a feature called "follow the link or Trackback. It means that when you leave comments and the URL of your own blog or your website, search engines follow the link to your website. This is in addition to your rankings in search engines and will help increase your position in search results pages, leading to more clicks on your links. While it is useful to comment on blogs without considering the search engines, blogs with the "follow this link" are particularly useful for attracting traffic to your site web.

Encourage your readers to comment on your business blog, answer comments and comment on other blogs related to your field. These tips will help you promote your business for free. E hen it comes to building your business, you quickly appreciate the feedback and the benefits of the comments you've posted on blogs.


David Cloutier


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