Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Osteo-arthritis More Condition_symptoms

What every website should have

Do you focus not only on your home page, keywords and titles.

The first thing is to see when a visitor arrives at your site is the product or information he sought. course, good value and a high ranking in search engines can make them stay or make your visitors buy, but do not forget that you need to get them interested in your product or service.

Motivate him to buy him enacting a clear and unambiguous. If you offer multiple products or services, call him knowledge but on another page so as not to sow confusion and not to leave his initial idea to find a product or service in particular.

Understand your "target customer".

You can design a site and think it will attract customers, but if you do not know who they are and what they are willing to buy, you will not earn much money. The websites are an extension or creation of a "storefront". You can, for example, ask your existing customers what they think by e-mail.

You can include a questionnaire or provide a right to your site, ask them what they would choose and why? Does your rate should be compared to their competition? Does the description of your products for them? And so on ...
Your site provide contact information?

When you sell from a website, your products are available 24/24 and 7 / 7 and clients can come from the four corners of the planet . Make sure you provide full contact information, preferably on every page of your site, with your address, your phone number Phone and email address so they can reach you.

People may need to contact you about your products, for general information or technical problems on your site. If you do not often check your site's contact address, transfer it to an address you check every day. To ensure that your customer can buy on your site remember to provide sufficient mode of payments such as credit card, Paypal or other online payment service.

In summary:
Be as clear as possible

On the page that will host your client. Do not be afraid to state your address, they will not always be useful, but they reassure. Look also to learn as much about your customers to adapt your speech and your arguments. Avoid putting too many ads and too many links on your sales pages, do not disturb or distract your visitor. If you have other products, you can talk but make sure you do so at the bottom of your sales page once it has read your sales pitch. Either he is determined to buy and do not necessarily see them be, it does not wish to purchase and may be intrigued by another of your products.


The King David


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