Tuesday, May 4, 2010

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Need more traffic to your website?

There are many ways to get more visitors and you know some. Now is it that these resources will ensure a good traffic to term or are they simply generate traffic.

Let me explain. We all know the systems of advertising campaigns such as Yahoo or Google Adwords. We use them often enough and for some, all the time. I call it tools traffic generation charged. You buy one direction of traffic to your site. If your site is optimized for sale, sell it, but you will earn less because you have purchased this traffic.

For some or even many, this system is the ruin of our affairs . When we begin on the Internet, we thought, "cool, I put a page online, I created an advertising campaign and for 0.50 ¢ the click I get a customer who buy my product at $ 17 ... I earn $ 16.50 per customer, youpii! . That's the theory. Subsequently we find that we pay for clicks, and sometimes much that few people who buy, buy ... if you pay for race results, 10, 15 or 20 clicks no sales! The dream of escaping asset base and our economies.

So, now more than ever, we have to reverse the methods and take the problem in the right direction. What do you want first, apart from selling (because the approach sales letters is another registry)? We want above all traffic FREE, is not it?

To do this, the first thing to consider is the optimization for search engines. Remember, they generate 90% of your traffic. And how to attract a search engine to be well positioned in its results pages?

The algorithms used are becoming increasingly complex and rapidly adapted and modified as needed. Some points are clear, however, are obvious in terms of optimization. Attention, I'm not saying you do not need advertising, but what you put in place will allow you to better promote your investment in advertising. You think that if your site does not meet the criteria of search engines, you pay long advertising campaigns and if you stop your campaigns, it is likely that your traffic disappears so quickly.

points essential to a good optimization are:

1. Domain Name
2. Keywords (attention, I do not mean that the beacon "Keywords")
3. Tags titles
4. Content
5. External Links
6. Internal Links
7. update content

Though you offer: content, product or service, these are the essentials of good value. You support this with a good advertising campaign to launch your site, if necessary, because with this method I had sites positioned on first page on Google after 15 days without having paid a penny ...

David The King


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